Chapter 20: Anticipation (Part II)

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Hello my awesome readers! Happy new year!!

I wasn't able to update, because I was so busy with school. So here's the next chappie!!


The White Dragon had returned to the house owned by his family. It was the biggest house in the area.

The silver haired male had his back against the wall in his room, he was seated in the ground as he clutched his still burnt right arm.

'My right arm and body are still hot.' He closed his eyes shut, trembling from the pain. He began recalling the awakening he had experienced, drops of sweat traveled down his forehead. . 'The moment I saw her, all the blood in my body boiled. The dragon's voice echoed in my soul.'

'Since I've been a child, I was told of our clan's greatest hope. The calling entrusted to me over a thousand years ago. Father, please watch over me.' opening his eyes, he smiled gratefully. The Hakuryū's train of thoughts was interrupted when he heard someone knocking on the open door of his room.

"Excuse me." Said Hak as he walked inside The White Dragon's room. The silver haired male turned his head to see the muscular boy standing in front of him. "Insolence! How dare you enter the White Dragon's dwellings without permission?" Getting off the carpet covered ground, the Hakuryū scolded Hak, annoyed with his lack of manners.

"Yeah, sorry." Hak gave an empty apology as he walked around the chamber as if looking for something. "What are you doing?" The annoyed male asked curiously, still clutching his right arm.

"I came to get some things that might help us on our journey." Hak answered as he lifted up a vase.

"Hey, do you have anything to eat? They said they're gonna take a while to prepare for the banquet." A feminine voice was heard. The silver haired young man blinked, looking down and following the source of the voice, his eyes widened when he saw a short girl with emerald green eyes and long, wavy black hair. He let out a loud scream as he jumped back a few steps.

"Wh-wh-when did you get here?!"

Hak pointed at his sister who stood beside him with his thumb. "She's been here this whole time." He answered in her stead as he walked passed the White Dragon and opened his closet.

'She has no presence!' The still surprised male thought.

"Do you not have anything we could use?" The black haired male questioned, looking through the other's clothes.

Hakuryū ignored the female standing in front of him and turned his attention to the younger male, his body was shaking in anger. "Here." He demanded, handing the Thunder Beast a small bag. Hak held his hand out, receiving the bag which turned out to be filled with gold coins. "You're so generous, Hakuryū-sama." He smiled gratefully.

Kira whistled at the sight of that amount of money. 'What's the trick?' She wondered. Snatching the bag of gold coins from Hak, the former general shifted her gaze to the Hakuryū. "I'm sorry, but Jii-chan told me not to accept money from strangers." The White Dragon noticed that the female's actions were the complete opposite of her words as she placed the bag of money in her pocket.

"Hey! Give it back!" Hak demanded, wanting the gold coins back.

The owner of the room sighed. "Take this, and leave the village." He sternly demanded, looking up the Hak who was taller than him. "Huh?" Hak's jaw hung wide open.

"I appreciate your efforts up to now. I will protect the princess from now on, so you may leave." Hakuryū explained, believing that he was more than enough to fulfill the task of protecting Princess Yona.

The hidden Dragon: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the dawn) fan fiction [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now