Chapter 36: Reunion Part II

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This picture is something I edited and the drawing belongs to the winner of the previous drawing competition, kaintw ! XD

There's also a cute surprise in an another note at the end of the chapter :3


"Kija! Wake up!" Yona shook the table that the drunken/sleeping Kija was laying his head on. He woke up, startled. The red haired princess giggled at the face he was making. "Kija, you look funny!"

The Hakuryū bashfully wiped thr drool on the corner of his mouth, a blush on his cheeks. "Hime-sama, you seem well." Yona turned to him with a smile. "Of course! I'm great!" She suddenly tripped on a rock, but luckily, Hak was there to catch her. "I'm great!"

While Yona was trying to establish her fake cheerfulness, Kira sat down by herself on the ground, hugging her knees to her chest. The handsome genius couldn't help but get distracted from his cooking as he observed Kira with a frown. It was rare seeing her looking so pensive. 'She was fine when she left to look for Yona...' The moment the black haired girl returned with Yona and Hak, she immediately isolated herself from the rest of them. Yoon really wanted to cheer her up so he started cooking, but what was surprising him was that she was unfazed by the smell of his delicious cooking.


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"Yoon." Yona called. The strawberry blond tore his gaze from Kira and turned to the red head. "What are you making?" She asked.

"Abalone porridge." He answered, cutting some vegetables. "Drinking nothing but alcohol will strain everyone's stomach. I thought I'd slip this in."

Yona took in the smell of the porridge. "It looks delicious! I'll serve it." She crouched down and grabbed the scorching hot pot by her bare hands. "Ah, hot!" She winced in pain, blowing breaths onto her hands, attempting to cool it down. "Yona! Are you okay?" Yoon panicked with worry. "I-I'm fine."

"Time to eat, everyone!" Yona called over the pirates who were still drinking.

"Food!!" They cheered. The pirates, Jae-Ha, and Yona sat in a circle as Yoon handed them their servings. The bright blue eyed teenager then walked up to Kira, a bowl in his hands. "Kira, the food is ready." He declared, extending his hand to hand the female her serving. Kira who was still sitting down, looked up at the boy and then placed her chin down on her knees. "Not hungry."

Porridge spilt on the ground near Yoon and Kira's feet after the bowl had slipped through Yoon's fingers. "W-w-what do you mean you're not hungry?! You're always hungry!" The young man argued and immediately dropped to his knees, beginning to vigorously shake Kira's shoulders. "Are you okay? Are you sick? Did you get injured earlier and you're hiding it?" Yoon came to an abrupt stop once Hak placed a hand on his back. "That's enough, Yoon. She's probably just tired. Leave her to rest." The handsome genius was about to argue back but the look on Hak's face advised him not to. He hesitantly got up, glancing at Kira once again with eyes brimming over with affection.  

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