Chapter 4: The unbearable truth

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Recap :

Kira stopped when they reached to what seems to be an empty courtyard. The guards then appeared in front of them and when the two females attempted to run in the other direction, they found other groups of guards surrounding them. They were trapped.

Kira then took hold of her Katana, and unsheathed it before holding it in front of her, ready to attack.


Kira closed her eyes before taking a deep breath, a flash of black blur appeared as she started slicing up the guards in front of her, they fell to the ground surrounded by their own blood.

Soo-Won then appeared standing next to Kye-Sook, his eyes widened when he saw Kira.

"Kira..." He spoke softly but quickly regained his composure. Kira saw Soo-Won standing in front of her with a sword in hand wearing a cold expression. She had some doubts, but she didn't want to believe them.

Kira then heard Yona yell. "Soo-Won!" When Kira turned around, she saw Yona with tears streaming down her face and guards pointing spears at her. "We are doing this for the kingdom of Kouka." One of the soldiers said.

"Don't you dare touch her!" The Phantom Samurai ran up to the traitors. She was about to swing her Katana at them when Hak appeared and suddenly the soldiers around Yona fell back. "I knew Lord Soo-Won was here tonight, so I was trying to stay out of your way. The guards who were supposed to be on watch are all gathered here. There are people I don't recognize, too." Hak said. "What is going on here, Soo-Won-sama?" He looked up, his eyes narrowed. Kira just stood next to Hak, staring at the floor, not saying a word.

"H-Hak, Kira?" Yona whimpered. Both of them turned around, Kira's eyes softened.

"We're sorry for leaving your side, Yona-hime-sama." Hak apologized while kneeling down, Yona looked at Kira then at Hak again. "Hak, Kira ... are you two... on my side?" Yona asked. Hak's eyes widened for a second while Kira smiled gently at Yona, she patted the red head's hair before speaking. "Of course we are."

Hak smiled before standing up. "I promised King Il that we'll protect you no matter what." He started, His weapon in hand. "And I'll obey him no matter what!" He continued.

Kye-Sook who had no idea who Hak and Kira were smiled smugly before speaking. "Weapons down, servants. You are standing before King Soo-Won, the new master of the Hiryū castle."

"Tch." Kira mumbled, figuring out what had happened. "Who's the master of the what now?" Asked Hak.

"I have a bad feeling about this but I'll ask. Soo-Won-sama, where is King Il?" Hak asked. 'Why would you ask that, Hak? It's obvious as day light. Well, I know how conflicted you must be right now. I am, too' Kira thought , her bangs shadowing her eyes.

"I just sent him to hell." Soo-Won replied calmly to Hak's inquiry. Kira's eyes darkened as she tightly gripped her Katana while Hak's spear cracked the ground with his eyes widened, making Kye-Sook and the other guards take a step back .

Hak closed his eyes before speaking, "Are you drunk? That's going too far, even for a joke."

"Ask Yona-hime. She confirmed the King's death with her own eyes." Soo-Won replied, not changing his expression. Hak then lost it, he ran up to attack Soo-Won but the latter was able to block the hit with his sword. "Tell the truth!" Hak yelled. "I'm not lying." Soo-Won exclaimed slightly struggling with the sword.

"Soo-Won! You're telling me you killed your king?! You killed that kind king?!" Hak's strength seemed to be too much for Soo-Won so he jumped back.

"Soo-Won-sama!" Kye-Sook wanted to help his master. "Stay back. If you get any closer you'll lose a head. These two standing before you are Son Hak and General Kira." Hak went back into battle position, standing next to Kira once more. "These two are...." Kye-Sook started . "Yes, they are the heart of Hiryū castle. And two of the 6 generals...." "The Thunder Beast beast and The Phantom samurai of kouka." Kye-Sook finished.

"Soo-Won, why ? Are you after the throne?" Kira had finally spoken. "No, you're not the type to fixate yourself on that kind of thing. So why?!" Kira continued, her words and tone made Soo-Won look down to the ground, drowning in thought.

"Did you turn your sword on our kind king, who detested weapons?! Your pride allowed that?!" Soo-Won slightly flinched, snapping out of his thoughts. "Kindness..." Soo-Won trailed off before continuing, "This kingdom has no need for a weak king!" Soo-Won dashed towards Hak, they started to battle with impressive swordsmanship.

"Son Hak, grandson of Son Mundok, leader of the wind tribe. He rose to lead the tribe at a young age. A single blow from his blade is like lightning, earning him the nickname The Thunder Beast of Kouka." Some of the guards were then planning on attacking Hak from the back while he's busy battling with Soo-Won, Kira noticed and ran up to the soldiers, leaving Yona' side and fending the soldiers off easily.

"And the Known Phantom Samurai, her speed and accuracy are unmatched. Whenever she swings her blade, it can't be seen, making her seem as if she was a mere phantom." Kye-Sook smirked as he eyed the petite girl, he then looked to the guard beside him.

Hak managed to injure Soo-Won's right shoulder. When Hak was about to attack once more, Kye-Sook shouted. "That's enough!" Hak, Kira and Soo-Won looked at Kye-Sook who had a smug smirk plastered on his face. Realization hit both Hak and Kira, they turned to see the sobbing Yona and a soldier holding his sword not too far away from her neck.

The soldiers now surrounded Hak and Kira, who were not moving a muscle. "Drop your weapons!" One of the guards yelled, both Hak and Kira complied.

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