Chapter 38: The Appearance

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Credits to kaintw for this wonderful drawing of Kira-chan! XD Doesn't it look just wonderful?

Ps. There's an important author note at the end so be sure to read it ^-^



Kira and everyone in their group, excluding Jae-Ha, let out sounds of awe as they stared at the animal that the Ryokuryū had hunted.

"It's a fawn. Nice catch!" Yoon complimented the older man, excitement visible in his tone.

"It was difficult trying to jump while carrying it." Jae-Ha exclaimed with a smile.

Hak crossed his arms. "He suddenly jumped off into the Eastern sky, so I thought he had finally been summoned to the heavens." The black haired male said, recalling how Jae-Ha out of nowhere blasted off. Kira giggled a bit, leaning her head on her brother's muscular arm. "Or maybe that he found a brothel." Hak nodded in agreement. "That too."

"Eh?! You're so cruel Kira-chan!" Jae-Ha complained, looking utterly disheartened. He suddenly popped up in front of the female, and out of reflex, Kira punched Jae-Ha square in the face. Both Yona and Yoon gasped at the Phantom Samurai's sudden action.

"Jae-Ha, are you okay?!" Yona asked in panic.

"Ah sorry. I was just surprised." Kira sheepishly smiled, rubbing the back of her head. The Green Dragon closed his eyes as he fondly placed his hand on the injury Kira had caused. "Kira-chan... You're the worst kind of person for hitting faces with so much power, you are." He softly said with a smile and blush painting his cheeks. Kira and Hak instantly staggered a few steps back away from the masochist.

"Your face says you're happy!" Yoon argued with a tick on his forehead.

"I want to unmeet you.." Hak shuddered in disgust.

"Everyone, you're so mean!" Jae-Ha yelled, heavily pouting. "Yona dear, comfort me!" He yelled out, running up to the princess, but Kira protectively hugged the red head. "No! Stay away!"

Jae-Ha sighed before facing Kira who was still wary of him. "You can eat as much as you want, Kira dear. I especially caught it for you." He said, referring to the fawn. He grinned widely when he saw the girl's eyes gleaming. "The other day you complained about not eating meat for a long time, right?" Kira vigorously nodded. He sighed dreamily as he saw the dazed look on Kira's face. "Kira-chan's never-before-seen-thinking-dreamily-about-food face!" Jae-Ha's hand formed a fist and his eyes sparkled. "How wonderful~."

The green haired male sweat dropped as he felt the others glaring daggers at him from behind his back. "Hahaha.. Of course you guys are welcomed to eat, as well."

"Tsk." Both Yoon and Hak clicked their tongues at the droopy eyed guy.

"Your legs are amazing, Jae-Ha." Yona said, still impressed by the Green Dragon's ability. "We should find The Yellow Dragon in no time." Yona exclaimed with a smile. The said man turned his attention to the princess. "Oh, now that you mention it, the only one left is Ouryū, huh?" He used his index finger and thumb to cup his chin. "Since I've come this far, getting a look at Ouryū's face may not be so bad. I'll find him."

"No, leave that task to me!" Kija exclaimed. He felt that Jae-Ha was imposing on his job of finding the Yellow Dragon. As Kija and Jae-Ha argued on who was going to find the Ouryū, Yoon declared that he'll start making dinner. "Thunder Beast, start the fire." He requested from Hak who gave a quick nod.

The hidden Dragon: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the dawn) fan fiction [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now