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Name: Son Kira.

Aliases: The Phantom samurai, Shadow beast, Kokuryū (Black dragon) [Later on].

Gender : Female.

Height : 159 cm. (Taller than Yona by two centimeters.)

Age : 17.


She has emerald green eyes and long, curly, coal black hair that reaches below her waist. She is considered to be even more beautiful than Yona. (Her appearance is in the picture below)

Kira always carries her signature weapon, a Katana, most of the time with it's blade sheathed

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Kira always carries her signature weapon, a Katana, most of the time with it's blade sheathed.

Occupation: Bodyguard/ Wind Tribe General.

Relatives: Son Mundok (adoptive Grandfather), Hak (adopted brother), Tae-Yeon (adopted brother).


Kira has an outgoing, flamboyant and childish personality, she's also somewhat mischievous. She loves to play pranks and usually teases Hak about his feelings for Yona. Despite being playful, she is serious whenever it comes to her job. She doesn't let personal matters interfere with her work, and does her best to do the most she can. She cares deeply for both Hak and Yona, considering the latter as a younger sister and has the desire/urge to protect her. She's also well aware of Yona's feelings for Soo-Won, and is very close with the latter. Although, Yona was sometimes jealous when the two hung out, not that she would ever admit it. Kira also has a huge appetite.


Kira was adopted by Mundok. Under Mundok's guidance, she became one of the strongest members of the Wind Tribe along with Hak. At some point in time, she became friends with Yona and Soo-Won and whenever she, Hak and their grandfather visited the Hiryuu Castle, she always played with them.

Hak loves his little sister and cares for her. And they can get a little competitive sometimes.

At fourteen, she became Yona's bodyguard alongside Hak (who was fifteen at the time). Both her and Yona were excited when she first took the job, being able to spend more time with each other.


●Swordsmanship: Kira's sword fighting skills are the best in the country. Her speed, accuracy and strength allow her to deal powerful blows. Aside from her mastery in swords, she is also good in archery and using daggers.

●Immense Strength.


●Speed and agility.

● Master of Stealth: she is very proficient in hiding, spying and infiltration.

●Other unknown abilities.


flashback (When Kira was 9 years old)

Yona, Soo-Won and Hak were gathered in Yona's room. The door suddenly slides open revealing Kira. She ran up to Yona and grabbed her hand. "Ne~ Yona-chan, let's play hide and seek." She chirped .

"Hide and seek? Sure! Let's go, Soo-Won, Hak." Yona replied. Soo-Won and Hak follow the two.

"Ahem." Kira cleared her throat, they all turned to her. "I think Hak should start." She smiled.

"Huuuh?! Why me?" Hak asked irritated. "Because I said so. Now start counting!" She pushed him towards a wall.

"Fine. 1. 2. 3..." Hak started counting. The rest scattered to find a place to hide.

Kira hid behind a bush, silently waiting. Soo-Won then approached the same bush and sat next to her, not even noticing the little girl. "You should hide better, Soo-Won." She scolded him.

"Ehh?! Kira! You were here?!" Soo-Won was shocked and his face turned red from embarrassment. "I should find another place to hide " He got up and was about to walk away. When Hak was seen, Kira grabbed Soo-Won's hand and pulled him down . "Shush." She quietly said as she put her index finger over her mouth, her green eyes met his aqua blue ones, he blushed while staring at her. She then averted her gaze to Hak, not noticing how flustered the little boy next to her was.

"He's close." Kira stated while smirking. Her smile faded when Hak went away, she got up and dusted off her clothes. "No fun." She commented while pouting, the older boy just looked at her confused. She went to where Hak was standing and revealed a hidden rope. Just when she was about to pull it, Yona came running to them and stepped on it. Suddenly water came rushing down on Yona's head and clothes. Kira stifled a laugh as she eyed yona.

"Gomen (sorry), Yona-chan. I didn't mean it." Yona then looked at her, her hair sticking on her face.


"Hahahahahaaha..." Kira let out a loud laugh while pointing at Yona, clutching her stomach. Hak then heard his sister's voice and came to their side.

"Oi! Don't you know how to play? You're supposed to-" He then saw the now wet Yona. "What happened?" He asked the still laughing Kira . "It seems that Kira played another prank." Soo-Won smiled sheepishly. Yona then started crying, Soo-Won and Hak tried to comfort her.

Mundok was passing by and saw his adopted grandchildren standing next to a crying Yona. The chief of the Wind Tribe assumed it was Hak's fault, so ran up to him and hit with a paper fan. "You idiot! What did you do to Hime-sama?!"

"Old man! I didn't to anything, it was Kira." Hak whined while rubbing the back of his head. "Call me jii-chan! (grandpa)" Mundok angrily said before shifting his gaze to Kira.

"Jii-chan... I didn't do anything wrong. It was a trap for Hak, but he didn't fall for it, so Yona-chan was the victim. I didn't mean it!" Kira said with puppy eyes and crocodile tears threatening to fall down her face.

"Huh?! You make it sound like it was my fault!" Hak was furious. "Don't raise your voice on your cute little sister!" Mundok stated with an irk mark on his face moving closer to Hak and pulling up his sleeves, ready to hit him. Hak gulped and looked at Kira who stuck out her tongue, closed an eye and opening the other with her index finger.

End of flashback

So you guys, how do you like the story so far? ( >﹏< )

This is my second fan fic, the other one is a kuroko no basket one called "Kiseki no sedai conflict". If you have time , please check it out. ^^

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The hidden Dragon: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the dawn) fan fiction [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now