Chapter 4

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Picture of Angela


Trent takes one last look in his bathroom mirror, making sure not a single hair remains on his face from his shave as he buttons his blue plaid shirt and sprays on a dash of cologne. He has the music up, Papa Roach blasting, blocking out the city noise around him. His little above the garage apartment isn't much with its small square of a yard that he shares with his landlord, placed in one of the busiest residential areas of the city, but it's his.

"It's about time." He grins, anticipation building within him. In fifteen minutes he will be pulling up to the headquarters and Valery will race out to greet him with a radiant smile as he picks her up for their first date in way too long.

His excitement abruptly interrupted as a shadow in the call catches his attention. Acting quickly, he grabs his remote to his stereo and turns it off, diverting his full attention to the unfamiliar and emotionless stranger standing in his bathroom doorway. Two more individuals position themselves behind the man, effectively trapping Trent in the bathroom.

The man in front sneers, revealing a front missing tooth, aws he taunts Trent by holding up a vial of drugs that bears a striking resemblance to the ones that he lately acquired. A curse slips through Tren't lips.

"How did you find me?" Trent demands, his hand darting for his razor, the only blade within his reach.

"You were the one stealing from the North. All we had to do was follow you." The man with the missing tooth responds easily. Casually he draws his sword and takes a step towards Trent. The two accomplices behind him place their hands on their swords, prepared to intervene ready if needed. "Do you really think that thing is going to help you?" His amused tone only fuel's Trent's anger which shimmers deep within his core.

Trent adjusts his grip on the razor, tightening his hold. "You think we let thieves go?" The assassin asks as he takes another step towards Trent. Trent braces himself, ready to defend himself by any means necessary.

"Any other night, any other fucking night!" Trent growls in frustration. Adrenaline screaming in his veins, he reaches to grab the shower rod with one hand, still holding the razor out threateningly with the other.

With each forceful yank of the rod, he watches Missing Tooth steadily advance. Time seems to slow down with each breath, each blink. The two accomplices remain emotionless in the doorway.

Locked in a fierce gaze with Missing Tooth and his looming sword, Trent curses knowing his razor isn't going to be enough. He drops the razor in the tub, grabs hold of the shower rod with both hands and stands up on the wall of the tub. He jumps, propelling himself forward with a powerful kick to Missing Tooth.

Blood splatters as Missing Tooth stumbles backwards, smashing his head off the bathroom counter. The crack of the shower rod echoes through the room. Trent's heart freezes as he feels himself losing balance, hurtling forward. He collides with a towel rack sending it crashing to the floor along with all his towels, effectively obstructing half the doorway. Trent finds himself sprawled on the floor, his mind whirling.

Body aching, he picks himself up from the floor. As if it wasn't going to be hard enough to get out of here. Shower rod in hand, he surveys the scene. Missing Tooth is scrambling, attempting to reach for his dropped blade. Trent plants his foot on the blade. Not tonight. They won't take me tonight. He grips the rod tight, swings it into Missing Tooth's head with a bone shattering impact. The body hits the floor, lifeless. As Trent reaches for the assailant's sword, one of the back ups in the doorway draws his. How many are there? He finds himself wondering, spotting the hint of another shadow just down the hall

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