Chapter 25

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Finding a safe place to place Matt out of the fray, she climbs a tree close to the fighting, takes aim, and downs three men rushing Trent before she's spotted.

Twisting to see where the arrows came from, he looks up and scowls."I told you to get out here!" Trent snaps, rushing to block another group from moving in on Valery.

"I already called for backup! I told you we would look after the group together, which means all of us! We don't leave our own behind!" Valery snaps back, yanking her sword out.

She locks her sword with the first approaching Devil's Own, shoving him backward into another.

Gavin's war cry echoes through the trees, causing a momentary halt in the battle as he swings off a vine, landing on the closest unfortunate victim. Alan and Kalina all race towards them, ready to help. Valery takes advantage of the momentum, switching to her sword. She leaps on top of the Devil's Own closest to her.

A harsh cry ripples the air as she runs the woman through.. Everyone enters the fray, blades clashing, blood splattering. It was a song and dance they knew so well. Kalina and Valery leaped and flipped off of each other, blocking any attacks from their foes. The others took notice and followed suit, rolling and leaping off the trees, using the environment to their advantage. The Devil's Own fought, trying to overwhelm them with numbers, but the versatile Guardians kept them confused and disarrayed, crashing and getting in each other's way.

"Stay away from the mushrooms!" Valery shouts over the ring of their blades.

Kalina takes a brief glance at them, the side of her foot nearly in the patch. She nods and grabs the closest Devil's Own not looking, tossing him into an instantaneous cold sleep.

"You weren't kidding. Hold your breath," Kalina hisses as four more Devil's Own make their way towards them.

Valery hops up into another tree, climbing out of her way. Kalina steps back as she looks at the mushrooms, and they start to wiggle, loosening their spores. The four men approaching them drop, sound asleep, as do the two they are fighting against. Valery shoots them all in the neck, giving them a peaceful death.

"I LOVE what I can do... Shame those mushrooms aren't edible though. I am a wee bit peckish," Kalina mutters, grinning as she rushes to help the others.

They quickly dispatch the rest of them. Valery pulls Matt aside, trying to heal his lungs. The sounds of shouting and animalistic roars in the distance tell them it isn't the last of them. Everyone else covers them, covered in blood, dirt, and cuts, but none mortally wounded.

"Stand your ground," Trent orders. "More are on their way."

The forest air picks up around them, brushing across their shoulders and making their hair dance as it moves past the plantation.

"Matty, come on," Valery hisses, patting his cheek. "We need you."

"Valery, get back!" Trent snaps, the wind growing stronger. It pushes its way across the ground, swaying its way through the trees. "This group is even larger."

The spores from the mushrooms take flight, teased into the air by the wind. Trent sends them on their way, downwind. "Looks like we're clearing this place out, wanting to or not," Angela comments, her voice carrying a sour tone.

Trent nods in agreement.

"Brace yourself." He warns as he braces himself against the trunk of a sturdy tree. The others copy. Valery and Gavin dive onto the ground, protected by a berry bush Trent closes his eyes, scrunching his face as he pleads to the wind, trying to get it to grow even more.

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