Chapter 12

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Image of Matt's electric ball


Devil's Own come flocking out of the alleys at their leader's call.

Matt ducks as hairs off the side of his head fell from a vicious slice of an oncoming blade. Any later in his movement and he'd be missing a head.

"You might have to use your secret weapon." Angela whispers, her back hitting up against a brick wall. Matt comes to a stop just beside her. He looks around. The Devil's Own numbers are growing around them. Fifteen of them now press them into a dead ended alley. Darrel had fled with the distraction of the numbers.

He nods.

Taking the signal, Angela tosses her blade away from her, She throws her hands up in the air, surrendering. "Oh, we can't do this! We surrender, there's just too many of you" Angela cries out, dropping to her knees before them, placing her hands on her head.

Matt drops his, bowing his head and stuffing his hands into his pockets. Matt grabs hold of a double A battery, his thumb and forefinger on each end.Beside her, Matt begins to charge himself. Pulling the energy from the battery into himself. Devil's Own surround the two of them, herding them back out of the alley and towards Headquarters.

"We heard help was needed," calls a Devil's Own, leading an all new patrol towards them.

Good. More to fry.

Beside her, Matt starts to spark. Letting off little shocks of static electricity like a thick blanket in the middle of winter.

"Ey, ey you! What do you think you're doing?" Demands a Devil's Own, poking at Matt's back with the tip of his sword.

Matt doesn't move, doesn't say a word. He draws more attention, more blades pointed at him in warning.

Idiots, Angela thinks, smirking. Complete and total morons.

She dives to the ground. Matt releases a ball of lightning, bouncing up and down the alley. The metal of the blades around them calls to the bright energy. A nauseating smell of a tanner fills the air as the electricity lights up each body in rapid succession. Angela wrinkles her nose in disgust. The masses of enemies screamed and burst into dust as sparks ravaged their bodies. As the light fades, not a single Devil's Own remains standing, each one charred to a crisp.

"It's clear." Matt says, holding a hand to help her to her feet.

"That is ALWAYS so effective, I wish I had the balls to watch it." She grins as she takes his hand. "But I always feel like if I don't duck, I'm going to be a fatality."

"Probably for the best, I can't control it once I release it." He bends down and picks his blade back up. Angela does the same. "We'd better run while we can. Need to get out of here and find Valery."

"I'm not about to play around in this stench," Angela agrees, swiping her blade from the ground. "We better just head back to the car."

"Pray we can find it." Matt agrees and the two of them leap over the downed bodies and flee the alley way.

"I will admit, I love seeing it in their minds as they watch death come for them." Angela smirks.

"I love that I get all that with a double A batty. Can you imagine if I ever had a D volt? MAN!"

"I think I'D shit my pants; let alone the ones you're trying to kill."

Matt grins. "I know. It would be great."

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