Chapter 18

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Olivia the grumpy healer


Whispers. Howling winds with rampant chills surrounded him. A deep fear. Before any of it can make sense, the feeling of fingers being run through Trent's curly hair wakes him up.

"Valery!" He cries, his whole face lighting up. Valery is in bed, her eyes bright, a smile on her face as she looks up at him. "I was so worried." He leans over and cradles her head against his chest. "You're looking better."

"I'm alright." She assures him, her voice drained. He settles back into the chair and grabs her hand tight. His eyes scan over every little detail of her face.

"I-I almost didn't get to you in time. If it's quiet, I can still hear you scream. I'm so, so sorry."

He looks down at their interwoven hands and watches his thumb rub circles on her hand.

"No. Don't do this to yourself," she murmurs as she sits up.

"What are you doing? You need to rest."

"No one knew this was going to happen. You were there for me when I needed you the most. Just as I was about to give up, there you were. You got me out, you got me help. And you stayed by my side all night. You were amazing." Trent lifts his head enough to look at her. His eyes are wet. Hers are soft, gentle, loving, and grateful.

"You never should have gone through that. I am so sorry," he whispers, bowing his head as a single tear slips from his control, dripping onto their hands.

"Hush," she gently scolds, lifting his head to look at her. "It did, and we made it through."

"Sweet Angels, you have to stop doing this to me though," he sighs, planting a kiss on her hand. "I'm spending way too much time in these rooms because of you."

"They won't catch me slackin' again," she vows silently, clenching her fists. "It wasn't enough when they stole you away from me, but now they want a piece of me too? Hell no. My fire is ready to burn and I swear it's not going to be pretty." Trent looks at her intently, taken off guard by the cold edge in her voice. "What if Gretchen had been with me? I'll never forgive them. Damn them!"

"What happened? The way you screamed, I thought they ran you through. And that wall of fire around you?"

Valery takes a deep breath, remembering how she felt just before the fire burst forth.

"It felt like my insides were burning and it burst forth through every pore in my body. The intensity of it hurt," she explains, wincing.

He nods. "You have to figure out how to control that."

"No shit."

"It was pretty badass though," he says, grinning and kissing Valery gently on the forehead. "And it did save your life, so I can't complain. Just when I think I have you figured out; you pull something like this on me." He pauses to appreciate her smiling back at him. "Move in with me."

"What?" Valery chokes.

"Well, uh, it's going to be some time until your room is fixed up. And I want to be able to keep an eye on you."


"Look, you're wearing my ring. Isn't that something?" He presses.

"But we aren't married. And I never gave you an answer. You never even actually asked! What if I was just trying it on? What if I don't feel ready for marriage? I have this prophecy hanging over me. What if I don't want something else taking what little bit of me I have left? I don't know who I am outside of all this, how am I to devote myself to a marriage?" Valery blurts, and each sentence runs into the next. Tears form in her eyes, unable to process the number of emotions running rampant through her.

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