Chapter 42

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I think there is a good place to show what Ash looks like BEFORE Trent breaks his face. Just kidding, Trent wouldn't actually do it, even though he is tempted to a few times


Trent's face drains of color, his eyes fixed on Ash in disbelief. "She's WHAT?" His voice trembles with a potent mixture of fear, anger, and remorse. His fists clench, jaw tightens, his entire body a coiled spring of tension, desperate to unleash its fury. The thought of Valery falling into the hands of the North sends a surge of seething anger through him.

"We suspect she's been taken by the North," Ash explains, choosing his words with care. He maintains a deliberate distance, aware of Trent's volatile emotions, particularly when it comes to Valery. Trent's mind whirls, a tempest of thoughts swirling with thoughts of vengeance and retribution. The very mention of the Devil's Own fuels a fiery rage within him. He mutters a curse, a silent vow to make them pay for their audacity.

"What's the plan? Are you going to try to keep us locked down like you did when she tried to save me?" Trent's voice is sharp with urgency.

"Better," Beth interjects, striding up to him, and securing her sword belt in place. "I'm coming with you."

"Council knows that if we forbid a rescue attempt, you'll just sneak off on your own anyways." Ash continues. "And to prevent going another round with all of you, we'll allow an attempt, giving you the support that you need in order to succeed. We've already arranged a team for you."

"I'll pack my bags." He turns away from Ash, smashes his fist against the wall, wincing in pain, but the physical discomfort does little to quell the fury burning inside him. Just moments ago, she was infront of him. Pissed off, but at least she was there with him. And safe.

"Better prepare for the fight of your life." Ash warns.

"They took her. They are the ones who had better prepare themselves." Trent assures Ash and races out of the room, taking the steps up to his room two at a time.

"I'd say he took that rather well." Ash comments as Trent stomps his way up the stairs, bellowing for Angela and Matt.

Should have been more present, more attuned to her. Instead of being distracted with Cora, I should have listened. She might be safe right now. I should have listened to her. Then she would have told me about leaving. Damn it. Making her feel she couldn't talk to me, no wonder why she runs. I was trying to make her see my way instead of listening to her.

"We're on it." Angela calls to him from her room, her door open, expecting Trent to appear. She's elbows deep in a dresser drawer, yanking out clothes and shoving them into a duffle bag. "Matt's down in the armory, pulling weapons. There's going to be twelve of us."

"The more we have, the better chance we have of getting her out." Trent comments.

"Failure isn't an option." Angela agrees. "We got you out, we can get her too."

"They won't make the same mistakes." Trent warns.

"But we've been in and out. We've learned too." Angela assures him.

Trent nods. He slips into his room and starts preparing his own bag. This is all my fault. I need to learn to listen. She isn't someone I have to be in charge of.

"We really have to stop doing this with the two of you." Matt comments, coming to a stop in Trent's doorway with Cora at his side. Trent turns his head to all Matt to get the full scale of his glare. "I'm just saying." Matt comments with a shrug. "It's always something."

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