Chapter 44

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Beth sprints towards the nearby car, expertly navigating through the cover of undergrowth. Urgency fuels her movements as she swiftly locates a set of tools under the vehicle, seizing a pipe and a length of rubber tubing, scrap from the wreckage.

Racing towards her struggling Guardians, Beth's mind and hands work quickly. Working swiftly and with precision, she attaches the rubber tube to the pipe, fashioning a makeshift rocket-like contraption. Making use of the materials at hand, she coats several rocks with sticky pine sap, turning them into makeshift projectiles.

Positioning herself strategically, Beth loads one of the sap-covered rocks into the makeshift launcher. With a steady hand, she aims the pipe upwards with one hand, the other hand strikes some flint on fire and launches the rock flaming through the air.

Its landing creates a cacophony of sound and a cloud of smoke, missing her target but still creating a minor distraction. "Over here you morons! I have a lot more where that came from!" Beth calls as she launches another flaming rock into the air. The group of Devil's Own split up, some running for Beth and the last three turning towards the girls, who are now pulling out their swords and ready for a fight.

Beth throws the launcher at the closest one. He grunts, falling flat into the snow. She turns and runs. Her footfalls are swift but cautious, avoiding hidden roots and icy patches as she navigates through the labyrinth of trees. Her breath quickens, creating a visible fog as she pushes herself to maintain pace.

Devil's Own are hot on her heels, she can hear them calling to each other, barking orders. But all she can do is run, out of weapons and out of ideas, so she presses herself harder. A group of Devil's Own step out in front of her, forcing her to slide to a halt. Her heart pounds in her chest. Beth is surrounded. Still, she grits her teeth and draws her sword. She waits. Examines each one, trying to figure out who to target, she only gets one chance. 

They share looks and nudges that make Beth's hair stand on end. A beast of a man steps towards her. Her eyes lock onto the massive sledgehammer he drags against the snow. Her arm shoots out, cutting his throat. He falls back, cussing and coughing as two more jump at her.

Their arms reach out to grab. She twists. Her sword dances. Within seconds they're diced to ribbons.

One after another appears from the trees, shadows resurfacing as quickly as they're cut down. Bodies pile up one after another until exhaustion begins to settle in. The remaining Devil's Own surround her, watching her with weary eyes. She heaves and gasps, but holds her blade with renewed strength. Valery needs her, exhaustion will not hold her back. A crunch behind her makes her eyes widen. With a sickening crack, her world blackens.

When her eyes open, she finds herself face down in the snow. A boot is lodged against her neck and her body is numb. A prick in the arm. Her whole body races with heat, and then turns solid. Unmoving. Her muscles seem to liquefy. Having lost all inability to move, she can't object as she is picked up and hauled inside.


Val stares at the light, its angles steadily changing as it moves across the floor. It brings no sense of heat, no sense of joy. Memories and thoughts swirl in the background of her mind, but she remains detached from them. Time loses its grip on her, and she enters a state of timelessness, where past, present, and future blend into a seamless flow.

What are they doing without me? Without a healer? Trent. Matt. Angela. I'm sorry I let all of you down. I'm sorry. I miss you all. I hope you are safe, don't come after me. They are ready and waiting for you. Don't be stupid. You always tell me not to be. Their faces are a blur to her drugged mind, unable to clearly form in her memories. A single tear falls from her eye. Angels, please let them be ok, please look over them. Show them the wisdom behind letting me go.

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