Chapter 7

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Picture of part of the city


An infinite void of darkness shrouds Valery's vision. For what seems like an eternity, the world is still, quite, peaceful, until ...."Val." Angela murmurs, now in the passenger side having switched with Matt seven hours into the drive. 

Valery yawns, stirring awake. "Hm?"

"We're going to have to walk from here, a car is going to attract too much attention." 

Not that it's going to make it any further anyways. She adds silently. The car has been revving, struggling to push through the snow that reaches over it's front bumper. 

Valery nods and sits up, tucking the picture back into the front pocket. 

"Feeling better?" Matt asks as he looks the map over.

"Feel like I want to kick someone's ass," Valery answers, already yanking bags from the floor and onto the seat. 

"We'll take that as a yes." Matt grins.

"Let's get going then." Angela comments, opening her door to the chilly air. She shivers, yanks her parka stuffed into her backpack..  

Matt climbs out, closes his door silently and opens Valeryh's door.  "Recap for those who were sleeping the whole time." He holds out a hand and helps Valery out of the car with a playful smile on his face. "It's one in the afternoon, the chill is here to stay. Nine hours directly North takes them deep into the mountains, through a pass that's a direct trail to the Northernmost city, hosting the North HQ, where Trent is bound to be tucked away."

"How long will we be walking for?" Valery asks, wincing at the cold as she climbs out and throws her bag over her shoulders. Her feet crunches in the frozen snow. There won't be any sneaking up on them, that's for sure.

"About an hour, I'm going to guess." Matt answers, setting the map aside to strap on blades. 

"Remember Val, this is going to look like a normal human city. But quieter. Don't hide, blend in. We need to act like one of them. A normal Devil's Own won't see you as an issue. We will need to keep an eye out for the superiors." Angela explains.

"How will we know who they are?" Valery asks.

"We are in uncharted waters right now," Angela answers. 

"They are going to be close to the headquarters and barking orders," Matt answers. "That's all I know."

"We will stick to the side roads, away from crowds." Angela suggests.

Valery turns away from them to take in the scenery, tucking her shaking hands into the pockets of her jacket. She looks around at the forest around them. It seems still, lifeless. All animals tucked in, hiding. Snow clings to the trees, making it look like they found themselves in a slow globe. Focusing on a pine branch dangling over the car, she starts counting the needles as she waits on Matt and Angela. Trying not to let her panic overtake her again.

"It's ok to be afraid." Angela assures her as she walks to stand beside Valery, following her gaze. 

"Trent needs me." She answers, not yet ready to look away from the branch. The moment she does, she's afraid tears are going to take her. And now isn't a time for tears.

Angela places a hand on Valery's shoulder.

"You can be afraid and still move forward. But you don't have to. You don't have the experience Matt and I have." Angela assures her. "No one knows anything beyond here. If you don't want to do this, you don't have to. Wait in the car and we will bring him back."

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