Chapter 41

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AAANNNDDDD Here we have Savannah! The black sheep and rebel of her family, doing everything in her power to make sure she doesn't look or act like anyone in her family


"I'm so glad you're here." She sighs, forcing herself to smile. "Apparently, there's a buddy system in effect. The council wants me to head out and pick some herbs, and prepare myself for any upcoming trouble. Want to join me?"

"I have no idea what's going on." She remarks as she throws her head backward at the ceiling. Valery stands there a few moments, awkwardly, staring at Savannah. Valery startles as Savannah jumps to her feet and looks Valery up and down in one single fluid motion. "Adding another color to my hair can wait." She decides. "Where are we going?" Savannah wonders as slips on her blue and white poke-a-dot tennis shoes, her demeanor a mix of curiosity and readiness.

"Thank you," Valery sighs, relaxing, relieved Savannah isn't the type to press for details. "There's a field, right outside of the city, just on the outskirts of our land. It's risky but always plentiful."

"I'm game!" Savannah assures her. The two girls leave the room and head for the stairs, making their way directly to Valery's car. They jump in, and Valery drives towards Kalina's house, knowing that if anyone can give her a crash course in herbs, it's her.

Upon arriving, Valery lets herself in, Savannah right behind her. Kalina stands at her art easel, a paint pallet in her hands, loaded with seven different shades of orange, completely absorbed in her work. Valery smiles in the doorway, and motions for Savannah to be quiet. The two of them creep to Kalina's pile of bean bag chairs and each occupy one, waiting.

"Give me just a moment," Kalina requests, her eyes fixed on the canvas as she delicately mixes shades of orange. "That sunset last night was something else, and I've been itching to capture it just right."

"Of course, take your time," Valery encourages, her gaze drifting over Kalina's art-filled space. The small sunroom they are in is filled with cluttered shelves; from sculptures from all over the world to books completely strewed together. Subjects like a sci-fi thriller right next to a book about Aztec traditions which sits next to ships of war. But for Kalina, the clutter and lack of organization work. It's as cluttered and unfocused as her artistic mind.

Kalina turns to offer Valery a brief, paint-splattered smile, a streak of basketball orange running across her forehead, connecting her eyebrows. Valery's grin widens.

I hope you stay just the way you are.

"So," Kalina grins, dipping her brush into a glass of clear water and swirling it around, turning the liquid a warm shade of orange. She turns her attention to Savannah and Valery. "What brings you out my way?"

"We're on a mission to gather some herbs," Valery explains, leaning against a nearby table. "The council wants us to stock up, and we figured you'd be the best person to give us a crash course. BUT I never got that far with Olivia and you know these plants better than anyone."

Kalina chuckles, setting her paintbrush down and wiping her hands on a rag. "You probably did but weren't paying attention." Kalina comments, smearing more paint on her face as she pulls off the smock. She looks at Valery, a playful grin on her face. "Now, you're regretting your choices and need help. Need to look like you knew everything all along."

"Pretty much," Valery admits.

"You're lucky you have me, let me get a notepad, there's no way you're going to remember everything." Kalina heads to a bookshelf sitting nearly on top of her easel, full of books from Botany to Alien Invasion: myth or fact. From the bookshelf, she pulls a notepad, sandwiched between the side of the shelf and a lesbian memoir. "It's been quiet in my neck of the woods, you've come at a good time." She comments as she makes her way over to them. "Devil's Own are starting to harass some of the spy networks, but not this far West yet. So, let's get to work and get you back to the city before that changes."

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