Chapter 20

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The image above of Kalina! I really enjoyed creating her unique personality, I hope you enjoy her too!


"Those of you who are leaving for the mission today, head on your way. The council loaded the back of the transit with plenty of supplies; bottled water, a spare map and compass, plenty of match boxes, and fire starters. We wish you all luck."

"Will Kalina be ready for us?" Trent asks.

Kalina is a Guardian in the offensive line, just outside the city limits as a spy. Her skill, plant empathy, make her a well-known gardener, the main provider of Olivia's herbs. Her skill with plants came second to her beauty with thick dark hair and big round hazel eyes.

"She's ready now, awaiting you back at headquarters.

Valery smiles. "Good, I miss seeing her."

"Safe trip, may the Angels bless you."

"Angels bless." The group repeats and files out the door to Liana's awaiting Ford. Inside the transit van, Sandra, Alan, and Helen sit back waiting for them. Trent takes the driver's seat. After a quick look at Valery who shakes her head, Matt claims the passenger beside him. Angela and Valery pile into the back, squeezing close together in case anyone else joins them. Matt jokes with Trent keeping things light.

Valery catches Trent's gaze in the rearview mirror and looks away quickly, not wanting to see the questions hidden behind his eyes.

An hour later they pull up to Kalina's little shack out in the woods, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. One little honk has Kalina running out, still trying to swing her hiking backpack on while trying to lock her home up. Her light blue tank top with green leaves doesn't match her green and white plaid button-down shirt, but that's always been her way.

"Hiya!" She grins, throwing open the back door to find space for her bag.

"Hey, there's room in the back with us," Valery shouts, smiling as she sees her old friend. "You have paint on your face."

Kalina groans theatrically with an eye roll as she hauls her bag into the back.

"When don't I? What color is it this time?"


"At least the color matches me." She comments, flashing a wide grin. "Prepare yourself!" She calls as she slams the door shut. Alan is already sliding open the passenger door beside him, letting her squeeze her way in and into the back.

"Hiya." She grins again as she plops down and settles into the seat. "Forward, Jeeves!" She calls up to Trent. Trent shakes his head, a small smile of amusement on his face.

"Nice to see you again too, Kalina," Trent responds, putting the van in reverse and pulling out of her dirt drive.

"Why aren't you up there with him?" Kalina asks, settling in.

"That's a 'not now, talk later', sort of question," Angela whispers low enough so the boys can't hear.

Every look at Trent, every mention of his name makes the ring feel heavier in her jeans pocket, reminding her she still has to talk to him.

Trent turns the rock station up, determined to make it to their campsite without hearing a word from them; letting them catch up while he stays blissfully out of it, hoping someone gets something out of Valery. He takes another look back at her. She keeps her eyes everywhere but forward.

They drive two more hours out before Trent rolls his window down, sticking his arm out. Valery knows, without having to look at him, that he is using the snippets of images on the wind as it brushes against his arm to hint at danger up ahead. It took him a lot of painful hours of practice as he got headaches from trying to perfect the ability.

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