Chapter 48

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The light of the Angels bless you!


The relentless fog parted in small parts of the sky. Scattered remnants of the beautiful blue above was a reflection of the crimson stains all over the city. Death clings to the air as bodies litter the ground. Blood coats the street. Cries of the fallen haunt many who remain, walking dejectedly, dragging their feet. Scents of burning flesh mingles with it all, leaving many stomachs churning. The price of war.

Ang is right. They sure aren't messing around. Swept through like a hurricane.

Bodies became less frequent as they got closer to HQ, Guardians, and cityfolk alike having them cleared out. They make it back to HQ unchallenged.

"Thank the Angels." Matt sighs.

A cheer goes up among them as they walk through the HQ gates. Matt turns to face them.

"You all kicked some serious ass today. With luck, that'll teach them to ever return to this city without fear of being obliterated. You all were amazing. The heavens applaud you but it comes at a heavy price. We lost a good amount of people to do it. Angels bless their souls."

"Bless them all." The other Guardians repeat.

"We have injured Guardians scattered through the city. I need each of you ex-prisoners to team up with a Guardian, spread out, and see about finding them. Any Guardians without a partner need to join Angela's team. Eliminate any remaining Devil's Own. Don't let any escape."

As the group splits up, Matt walks into HQ to find the council and Trent. Tessa and Ash stand at the door, ready for reports. Their hands are locked, and both are splattered in blood from a hard battle.

"Matt." Ash greets, shaking his hand.

"Seems like we did it." Matt comments. "My team just came through behind you. Nothing moved."

Ash gives a kind smile. "You guys forced them to flee to the center, allowing us to kill them all. This forsaken frozen wasteland of a city is finally cleaned out. You did well."

"How's Val?" Tessa asks.

Matt sighs. Hopefully, she's at least made some signs of life by now..."I'm going to check on her. Trent's with her."

"Go see what you can do, Tessa," Ash says, turning to his wife. "I need to stay here for reports."

"You need to get Trent's report as well. I'll take a moment to help before I'm back to relieve you," Tessa responds.

"I'll be here," Ash says, giving an assuring smile.

Matt leads Tessa down the hall, explaining the situation. "I don't know how much Trent told you, but she's in rough shape. She looks like she hasn't eaten anything in way too long. Or drink, I'd wager. She's in a deep, drug-induced sleep. We don't know what they did to her. Cora said they were experimenting with things when she was taken South. She doesn't know if this is the result they were going for, an accidental happening. Angela thinks her subconscious is trapped, living a nightmare."

"I can't promise that we will be able to do anything. Anything they know, or think they know, we know less of, when it comes to their antics. But I can promise we will do everything in our power to help her through this," Tessa responds.

Matt opens the door. Trent still lays on the bed with Valery, holding her close.

"Good, you didn't move," Matt comments. Trent sits up, giving Tessa a welcoming nod. Tessa nods, moving to kneel on the other side of Valery's cot.

"I was considering it." Trent admits. "I was afraid of leaving her unguarded. She's been through enough."

"You made the right choice," Tessa says softly, looking her over. She takes Valery's wrist in her hand, feeling her pulse. "Faint."

She frowns. She lifts an eyelid, no pupillary movement. "She's definitely in a deep sleep. We need to get her home, hooked up to a feeding machine until we can figure this out. We'll do all we can. She's in good hands."

Trent gets to his feet. "I'm going with her."

"I'm going to send someone to get the car," Tessa says, grinning. "Hang tight."

Once she stepped out of the room, Matt takes another look at Valery. "It doesn't look like she moved," he comments.

"Now that we have Northern HQ, it will only be a matter of time before the South falls. In all that, we should be able to find something to help Val. Someone has to know something," Trent says, his mind racing.

He thought about the maps Angela had left him with. They didn't just cover this city. The maps covered every base of operations within a thousand miles of this HQ. Trent's eyes narrowed and his fists clenched. "It doesn't matter what it takes... I want my Val back."

"Well, wherever we end up on this journey, at least you got me. And Ang. Couldn't get rid of her if we tried," Matt says, chuckling as he pats his back.

He opened his mouth to argue. He didn't want to endanger anyone else if he didn't have to. Given how much he and Valery had lost trying to accomplish anything on their own, he didn't have much of a choice. Trent looks down at her."Hear that, Val? We're going to save you. You're going to be alright." He plants a kiss on her forehead.

The events of the previous year flashed through his mind as he took a step outside. Looking at the smoke trailing along the city. Memories of being dragged here in chains. Facing off against Olivia and the way his heart burned with such murderous rage. Even as Matt puts a compassionate hand on his shoulder, Trent's gaze hardens. There was no telling what the future against the Devil's Own would bring, or even other threats just waiting around their dangerous world. Just what can we expect? How much fighting is left before we can ever truly be at peace?

These thoughts would plague him for some time.


That's all folks! Next book: Guardians: The New World

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