Chapter 9

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Picture of the main office of the police station


 "Room search, no one move." A devil's Own orders as the door above creeks open in protest. Matt groans and does his best to kick the shoe against the mattress, putting out the rest of the smolder. Pounding sounds on the steps.

"Quick, play dead," Angela whispers to her as she shoves her hair into a messy bun, hiding the key inside it.

A tower of a man swiftly approaches the cell door, backed by three others who have their swords out and ready before the cell door is unlocked. Two hold Matt and Angela at sword point as the other two inspect the space. The towering man spots the small, faded streak of grey smoke and frowns, scanning the cell carefully.

"She dead yet?" One asks, motioning to Valery.

"Not yet." Angela snaps, crossing her arms.

"Won't be long. You." A bald Devil's Own hisses, pointing his sword at Matt. "Come here." The other two rush into the cell and have to help Matt to his feet and across the small cell to stand before Baldy "Hold your arms out." Matt is pat down by the other, the bald man not lowering his sword.

"Something wrong?" Matt asks them, raising a brow,

"Routine search." The bald man answers. "Take off your shoes."

"I take most out to dinner before we get close like this, but since dinner was provided, thank you for that, could I get a name at least?" Matt asks as he steps out of his shoes. Angela coughs to hide a snicker, receiving a frown from one of her guards. Baldy kicks them out of the way as the other starts sliding his hand along Matt's leg. Angela coughs to hide a snicker, receiving a frown from one of her guards.

Both ignore him as they continue their search in silence. He pats up and down each of Matt's legs and checks in his socks

"Next." Baldy snaps. Matt and Angela switch places. She glares at Baldy, unphased by the sword pointed at her heart. Glares at the hands reaching to help her to her feet and slap them away. She keeps her face level as the Devil's Own as she makes her way over. Her shoulders and arms are patted down one at a time.

"Take off your shirt." The Devil's Own patting her down demands.

"You wouldn't dare," Angela growls, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she catches her searcher's gaze.

"Cooperate or die, your choice." He responds.

Angela glares at Matt, jaw tight.

Matt clears his throat, taking the hint. He turns his back in stiff, jerking movements.

"Didn't see you try to check his balls," Angela complains as she slips her shirt over her head. "Going to check out the dying girl too? Who knows, we may have tortured her and told her to hide a weapon of mass destruction while she dies." She continues as she throws her shirt onto the floor, holding her arms back out. "Well? As you can see, there isn't much place for me to hide things. Or did you just see a hot blond and want a better look?"

"I know I'm not complaining." One in the back snears. Angela rolls her eyes.

"She's clear."

"Damn straight," Angela mutters, snatching her shirt back off the floor. "Animals." She settles her shirt back in place.

Angela and Matt stare at the mountain of a man who has yet to move, his eyes still scanning over the small cell. Angela's and Matt's hostile faces hide the anxiety bubbling within them, praying to the angels above that they would leave Valery alone. After a few long breaths, the man nods.

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