Chapter 34

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Angel Ariya, reaching out to take away suffering


Trent sits down on the dias steps, overlooking Angel Ariya. He waits until everyone is inside and the door clicks closed. "Thanks for creating us," Trent whispers. "I know it's all felt pretty useless lately, but it won't be for nothing, you'll see. We have made some progress lately." Trent sighs and ruffles his hair. "It's given my life a meaning. Something to fight for after my parents have died. And if you can grace us with your presence again, I swear I will do everything in my power to protect you. We need you." Trent kisses his fingertips, leans over, and touches the toes of the statue. "We need you." He repeats in a whisper.

"What are you doing?" Matt asks, making Trent jump. "Sorry." He says quickly. Trent laughs sheepishly, ruffling his hair again.

"We aren't taught to address an Angel, how to pray to one. They haven't existed for a while now, and it's like people have given up that they will. Otherwise, we should know this stuff. And I wouldn't feel like such an idiot, talking to a statue looking for guidance." Matt shrugs and pulls a bandanna hidden behind his back.

"I brought food for her, just a few pieces of fruit that I figured with us being in the woods and all, I would be able to replace without anyone noticing. You're only talking. I'm the dumb ass that brought food out to a piece of stone."

Trent chuckles. "Look at us, grasping at straws." He sighs.

"Nothing wrong with asking the heavens for a bit of help, even if they have been quiet," Matt assures him as he tucks the bundle of fruit inside the fold of a skirt. "If anything, it can't hurt us."

Trent sighs as he stands up. "Come on, let's go hunting and see if we can't replace that fruit." Trent clasps Matt on the back. "If this temple has been untouched this long, I think we should be fine walking for an hour or so."

"Lady Tarzan seems to have done a good job keeping people away. I don't think she needs you to keep guard." Matt agrees as they walk out the doors into the quiet forest.

They return with two rabbits to split between the group, Trent takes them inside and gives Matt his time and space at the dais.

As the night goes on, one by one each Guardian makes a reason to leave the living quarters to sit out with one statue or another. Everyone knew what was going on, but let each have their unspoken secrets. Everyone had something weighing on their minds, something to get off their hearts.

The next morning after sleeping with a roof over their heads and on comfortable beds, everyone wakes up feeling refreshed with smiles on their faces and a gentler disposition.

"Look, I owe you an apology." Angela sighs as Trent comes out of the room, finding her at the statue. She doesn't look away from it.

"What's up?" Trent slides his hands in his pockets, wrapping his thumb around his belt loops as he looks at her. She is fidgety, shifting her weight back and forth as she nibbles on the inside of her cheek, "It's not like you to look so unsure."

"My parents were caretakers of a temple just like this. They gave me up to an orphanage when I was barely a year old, fearing for my safety because the temples were all being targeted. They couldn't protect me. I never learned what happened to them, they never returned. The orphanage was a grim place, overcrowded and filled with traumatized kids. We were nearly sleeping on top of each other, barely had enough food to go around and all the kids were so angry. It's only gotten worse since then. I love you both like family and any child you have, I'll love them too. But I'm scared for them. The world is so broken. We need the angel who removes suffering to come back. I can't bear much more. I don't want to be put in a similar position like my parents, a child being abandoned or killed is not a choice anyone should have to make. And I won't support it." She pauses as she looks at Trent. "Trent, I've sworn off intimacy. You're heading into a path I vowed never to tread. I don't think you're ready for the challenges. We're under constant threat. Every other Tuesday there is some sort of battle or skirmish. Every third Friday of every other month someone is ambushed, taken hostage, or kidnapped. Look at what we are doing now! This is not the time or place for a child."

Trent crosses his arms as he eyes her up. "Who said anything about kids?"

"You slept with her. That's close enough."

Trent sighs. He sits down on the steps and motions for her to sit with him. "I watched my parents being slaughtered right in front of me. My dad was in nothing but a bath towel. I know just how broken this world is and the pain of being a kid in it. And not going to lie, I'm terrified of being a dad for that same reason. I don't want to scar a child, I don't want my child to have the pain in his or her heart that you and I know so well. But. Without kids, without pain, this world has no hope of getting better. The best we can do is protect our kids to the best of our ability, teach them what they need to know, and give them the strength to bear their pain. Show scars with pride and figure out how to get back up when kicked. For the record, I think one day you will lose all this pain and fear and find the person who heals all that hurt. Thank you for finally opening up to me, I understand." He pats her hand. "I will go out and meet Brooke, keep others from coming in to check on you. Take a moment, come out when you are ready."

"Keep dreaming Trent!" Angela calls as he walks away. Trent smirks and walks down the hall to the early morning sunshine. Brooke meets them all outside as they gather.

"Here." She walks over, handing Trent and Matt each a basket. "My mom was overjoyed, she stayed up all night making sure you guys had enough food to get through. She made a dozen of about every type of muffin possible." She grins. "I went scouting after I left you guys last night, and there are new people down at the farm. They look like they could use all the help they can get."

"You said a two-day walk east, right?" Trent asks.

"That's right." She nods.

"How did you manage that?" Matt gapes. Brooke smirks at Matt.

"Swinging through the trees. I'm Lady Tarzan, remember? I travel a bit differently. Comes with growing up in the woods." She shrugs. "Maybe I am the monkey." She gives Matt a playful wink who then hides his face as he chuckles. "Go on now, go save the world. I wish you all the luck and angel guidance." She assures them as she slinks back into the trees.

"Matt. I think you changed how she defines herself." Anastasia comments.

"Does that mean there is someone out there who thinks Matt is funny?" Angela wonders as she comes to a stop beside Trent. He gives her a quick smirk and then looks the group over.

"Let's wonder as we walk," Trent suggests. "These people aren't going to save themselves, even though someone thinking Matt is funny IS a miracle, it doesn't mean we can count on another." He starts walking East through the woods, the rest of the team hot on his heels.

"Hey Matt?" Trent muses as he walks.


"Lay off Ang. She's alright."

"What did I miss?"

"Some soul-searing." Trent answers. "Just, give her some slack, ok? I understand now."

Matt looks at him curiously but gives in with a nod. 

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