Portals and Demons await!

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Thank you for making it this far! Please, don't be afraid to reach out to me and let me know your thoughts on this work, I know it's been a wild ride for me!

This is it for the intro of the Guardian world. Kinda love that the last upload is just before my birthday, happy birthday to me! Entering my Thriving Thirty decade. 

My next plan is to publish, currently looking to publish this book in July 2024. As for what comes next, well, book 2 is already written, Guardians: The New World. Needs some patchwork, and editing, and then I MIGHT start posting it on here. Depending on the love Protectors of Light gets. I might very well decide to keep Wattpad as a marketing plan, only posting the first book of each series I work on. My Guardians IS NOT the only series in progress. But I don't know yet. I'm still in the trying to figure it out stage. 

Book 3 is being written. Guardians: Fall From Grace. Book 3 is where it really becomes more of a high fantasy. Book 2 touches on what all is out there, unseen to the human eye. But 3 is REALLY where I let go and have some fun in a pure fantasy world. Teaser: Trent takes on the Dark Lord himself! 

If you like my work, check out my "brother" books, written by Aeron D. Embers, who is also on Wattpad with plans to publish. He writes very similar to mine, and we have tiny secret nods to each other's works, bonus points if you can find them! He and I have been writing partners for a while now, supporting each other along the way. Yet at the same time, his is so much more... out of this world. You never know what is going to rear its head around the next corner of his adventures. Check out "The Unknown Awakening" which was on the Watty short list of 2023. His other book, the prequel of it, "The Unknown: Memories" 

Again, thank you so so so so very much for making it this far! Lots of love along this adventure of mine :D 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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