Chapter 43

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Frosty the Snowman, as scary as can be. With 2 clawed hands and arms as big as treeees we don't hope to see agaiinnnnn 


The roar reverberates through the crisp, frigid air, a thunderous sound that seems to shake the very ground beneath them. Trent's knuckles whiten as he slams on the brakes, tires protesting against the icy road, sending a blizzard of fresh snow swirling into the air. Beside him, Kalina's vehicle grinds to a halt, the screech of her brakes adding a sharp, discordant note to the cacophony.

Up ahead, a monstrous mound of snow stirs, taking shape like some ancient, frozen titan hewn from a glacier. Limbs materialize, enormous and imposing, as the creature shifts and lumbers into view, a formidable force of nature brought to life.

"You found frosty!" Cora's voice cuts through the din, a mix of excitement and fear, carrying over another resounding roar from the approaching behemoth. The sheer size and power of the snow creature dwarf everything around it.

"I don't think he is friendly like the movies," Matt grumbles as they climb out of the vehicle, pulling their weapons out as they move. Kalina's eyes are fixed on the approaching monstrosity, her knuckles gripping the wheel with white-knuckled determination as she stops the car beside Trent's.

"Stay down," Matt whispers to Cora as he latches his sheath into place.

Uriah's voice breaks the silence, his tone weighted with uncertainty. "Do we fight or run?" His words hang in the air, offering an uneasy choice.

Trent's gaze never wavers, his determination unwavering. "Attack!" he commands, a steely resolve infusing his voice. He charges forward, the blade gleaming with purpose. The clash of steel against the ice creature's frozen hide is met with a resounding thud, their efforts seeming futile.

Albert's voice cuts through the chaos, breathless and desperate. "How do you fight ice?"

"Heat. A lot of it," Jenna's voice is steady, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of a solution.

"Matt?" Trent calls out.

Matt's reply is laced with frustration. "There's nothing I can use here. My double A won't cut it against this thing."

Brent's voice rings out, a note of urgency in his tone. "Any ideas, anyone?"

Uriah's frustration is palpable. "My battle ax isn't even scratching it!"

Trent's heart pounds, his mind racing for a solution. They're outmatched, and the gravity of the situation hangs heavily in the air. "Fall back!" Trent's command is a mix of urgency and resignation. "We can't take it head-on. GO GO GO!" The Guardians scatter, seeking cover among the trees, their breaths visible in the icy air.

A thunderous roar fills the air as the creature unleashes a devastating blast of frozen projectiles. The Guardians dodge and roll, narrowly avoiding the lethal barrage. Trent and Matt take refuge behind a bush with its branches on the ground, the weight of snow on it too heavy to hold. Trent watches in dismay as an ice spear smashes into his car, flipping it over Kalina's, coming to a stop against Beth's. All three cars in one move, neutralized and immobile with glass scattered all around.

Trent watches it all with a ping in his heart. Well. There went my inheritance money. Mom, Dad, it did good for a long time. Thank you.

"Damn it," Beth mutters.

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