Chapter 30

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A cross and roses for all those lost

Making their way back into headquarters, Valery heads directly to the healing chambers, checking on everyone. No one tries to talk to her. They see the blankness on her face and the dullness in her eyes. No one says a word to her.

"Valery, please, you've got to stop," Angela urges, stepping in front of her friend. Concern radiates from her eyes as she tries to make eye contact. "You're pushing yourself too hard. You need to rest."

Valery seems distant, avoiding Angela's gaze and moving down the hallway. Angela persists, deeply worried about her friend's well-being. "Val, please. You're exhausting yourself. Stop before you collapse."

Valery remains unresponsive, and her demeanor detached. Angela's concern intensifies. "Valery!" she exclaims, gripping her shoulders firmly. "Listen to me. You're on the verge of burning out. You can't keep going like this."

Valery's voice lacks emotion as she responds, "There are things that need to be done—herbs to restock, salves to make." She tugs her arm, attempting to break free from Angela's grasp. "Let me go."

Fearing for Valery's health, Angela persists, her tone pleading. "This can wait. Your health is more important right now. Please stop."

Valery finally pulls away and retreats to her office, resuming her work without acknowledging Angela's concern. Feeling helpless, Angela sighs, her worry evident. "Fine, if you don't listen to me, I'll find someone who can make you understand the importance of resting. Your well-being matters, Valery."

"I need help." Angela blurts as she opens the door to the training room where Trent's been working with the first-year students.

"Hold on, Gretchen." Trent turns to face Angela, "What's going on?"

Angela groans. "I take it you haven't heard the news today."

"I've been a bit preoccupied helping Tessa with the kids. What's going on?"

"It's Valery. She found her dad's dead body. And she snapped, something broke within her."

Trent's eyes harden. "Can you work with Gretchen?"

"Of course, go. Healing office."

"Thanks." Trent whisks out of the room and knocks gently on Valery's door. Valery doesn't budge. "Val?" Trent murmurs as he opens the door and creeps in. "Val, I heard. " He stands there and crosses her arms as he analyzes her. "Love, come on. You need rest. The bags under your eyes have grandkids, and there are so many of them." He holds a hand out to her. Valery ignores him. Trent sighs, grabs her hand in his, and guides her out of the chair. "Val... I know this isn't easy. I'm so sorry. You don't have to say a thing. Come on, I'll take you to your room," he whispers gently.

Without a word, her face dead, eyes cold, they make their way up the steps. Trent holds her close, keeping her from walking into things or losing her footing. She walks like a robot, her mind a million miles away, hollow and empty inside.

"Relax." He tells her. She closes her eyes. "Good. I'll check on you later."

He enters the room to find her in a troubled sleep. He sits in a chair near the bed, ready and waiting to comfort her as soon as she awakes. He watches her toss and turn for a few minutes, thrashing around, frantically turning her head side to side like she's looking for something. Her face is pale, tense, and frightened. Finally, Trent gets up, goes to the bed, and lays down, grabbing her hand.

He says nothing. Knowing better than anyone how little he wanted to hear anyone's words when his parents fell. Trent understood it better than anyone. He holds her close, wanting nothing more than to help her fight the demons that are haunting her dreams. At his touch, she relaxes. She stops thrashing around, and her face softens. He strokes her cheek. "Don't hold it in. I'll be here. You are not alone." He whispers.

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