Chapter 14

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Image of Valery's parents


Though her heart screams, Valery freezes. She watches with wide eyes, a sob stuck in her throat as the world slows. She watches Trent's face fall. Every ripple of Darrel's muscle as he turns and runs for the caravans. She watches the first drops of blood hit the ground. The sadistic grin on the man's face as Trent slumps, his shirt a bloody mess as the blood pours out. Trent coughs and groans, his face as white as the untouched snow they left behind. As he stills, her trance breaks.

Her first step towards Trent is automatic. Shock filled. Second step, she runs. Arm outstretched, pointing tods Darrel, she screams. Her scream, unintelligible, yet filled with pain and rage. From her outstretched hand, a ball of fire grows. At the end of the last note of her scream, the ball of fire is airborne. A pumpkin sized ball of fire careens after the coward. Flames and smoke leap to the air, followed by howls of agony as the fire ball crashes into a caravan, realing Devil's Own that were hiding inside.

"You stay with me." She snaps, feeling him weaken beneath her touch. He closes his eyes and lets his head roll to the side. "Don't you dare!" She sobs, her voice shrill. Tears start to fall, splattering against her faded jeans. Clenching his shirt tight, she fights past the haze of panic to visualize the gaping hole. "You're not allowed to die an hour away from the end zone, you hear me? We are almost there. Almost home."

"You still love me." He murmurs, his voice barely audible.

"Of course I do, you big dummy." She hiccups. "I'd never give up on you. So don't give up on me, you hear me?"

Trent coughs in response, all signs of life gone from his face.

Sobs rocket through her body as she closes her eyes tight, unable to look at him.

I'm his only chance. I have to do this!

"Sweet Angels." Angela gasps as she and Matt bust through the tall grass to stand beside Valery. "I'm here, take what you need." She murmurs, kneeling beside Valery and placing a hand on top of hers.

"Don't you worry." Matt assures Valery. The remaining Guardians create a circle around Valery and Trent, weapons pointing outwards.

Angela closes her eyes and dives into Valery's tremulous mind, trying to calm Valery down so she can focus on healing Trent.

"You can do this." Matt murmurs, watching Valery react and her tremors stop. A few Devil's Own cautiously step from the woodline. With a nod from Valery's mom, they are quickly and quietly eliminated.

As her breathing steadies, Valery is able to get a clear image of the task in front of her. Taking energy from Angela and herself, she works quickly. She knots the tissue and bone back together, trying to decrease the amount of blood loss.

"His color is coming back." Angela whispers, her awe clear in her voice. "You're doing it."

Valery nods in response, her brows knit close together as she focuses. "Quit staring, you're making this harder." Valery snaps, feeling their eyes on her.

Everyone averts their eyes.

Valery slumps over Trent as his breathing steadies, his wound fully shut. Relief overwhelms her senses as her eyelids grow heavy and her muscles grow weak. Valery groans, forcing her tongue to move around in her dry mouth, licking her lips.

"My precious girl." Trent murmurs, his thumb drawing a circle on her hand. A blast rockets through the air, the gas tank of the caravan exploding from the fire. The blast scatters the group, and Valery's world goes dark.

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