Chapter 35

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This is the farmhouse they are looking for [If you know, you know ;)]


"This must be what she was talking about." Trent murmurs, ducking out of sight as the front door opens and the first patrol of the day rattles its way out. Trent looks at Sandra, leading the second group. "Be alert, wait for a signal. Don't let anyone else in."

She tightens her grip on the hilt of her sword. "I know the drill." She assures him. "We'll be ready, go do what you have to do." Trent watches the patrol move out of sight.

Trent addresses his team in a hushed tone. "We need to be careful and move quietly. Stick to cover and keep an eye out for any patrols. Our priority is to rescue the hostages and eliminate any threats." They advance cautiously, keeping their senses sharp for any signs of danger.

As they approach the house, they remain low and silent. Trent carefully opens the door again, peering inside to assess the situation. He sees a few Devil's Own members inside, but they appear to be preoccupied with something in the back room. The element of surprise might still be on their side. He pauses, watching them leave through the back door.

Trent cautiously enters the building and slides into the room on his left, his senses heightened as he takes in the surroundings. The center of the room is dominated by a large wooden desk, cluttered with papers, maps, and various objects. Behind the desk is a messy bed, giving the impression that the room serves as both a study and a living space. The room is dimly lit, with a single flickering lamp casting eerie shadows on the walls.

"You must be the one the patrols report to." Trent greets, moving with purposeful strides to let Matt follow behind him inside the room. The man, dressed in dark attire and with a few scars visible on his face, looks up at Trent with a mixture of surprise and amusement.

"Looks like you should have drank that coffee a bit earlier." Matt greets as he comes up to stand at Trent's left side.

In front of the Commander, the scattered papers reveal strange symbols and ancient scripts, hinting at the academic facade the man has carefully crafted. The map on the desk, however, shows a network of underground tunnels and hidden locations, indicating the true nature of his activities.

"A simple yes or no. That's all we are looking for." Trent tells him, "We just want the people that were taken from their homes. But we will fight if we have to."

"You've walked right into my lair," the Commander taunts, his voice laced with arrogance. "Quite the bold move, but now you're at my mercy." Trent's grip tightens on his sword as he remains on guard, knowing that their lives hang in the balance. The Commander's expression shifts from amusement to a cold, calculating stare.

The sound of approaching footsteps reaches their ears. The echoes of heavy boots reverberate through the building, announcing the arrival of the Devil's Own troops coming for their orders.

"You won't get out of here alive," the Commander taunts, a sly grin forming on his lips. "My troops will tear you apart." Trent remains steadfast, refusing to show any sign of wavering. Matt stands by his side, equally resolute, their eyes locked on the Commander.

"We've faced worse odds than this," Trent replies with determination. "And we've come out victorious." The footsteps above grow louder, and Trent knows they have little time before the Devil's Own troops reach the room. With a quick look from Trent, Matt dips out of the room to warn the others waiting.

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