Chapter 21

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The day goes on for some time undisturbed with only their thoughts to plague them. The hunting party returns before Trent does. Voices are cheerful, grateful for their find. Valery emerges from her tent watching the fire dance in silence as they start skinning the two white rabbits.

Does the whole camp know by now?

"Val," Matt murmurs, sitting down beside her.

"What?" she snaps irritably, eyeing him up. He has blood splotches on his hands from handling the rabbits, but a content look on his face.

"I never ask anything of you," he starts.

"And you want me to talk to him," Valery finishes.

"Out here, we have to be able to rely on each other. Think clearly. I'm worried what will happen to him if you let this go on."

She gives him a look."I know, I've already been set straight, ok? Relax. I know what I have to do."

"Please tell me you're not going to shatter his heart out here," he begs.

"No, I'm not," She snaps.

Matt nods and walks away, leaving Valery to her thoughts.

Trent returns, only a leg of a rabbit remaining. He takes it without a word, sitting off to the side to eat it. He doesn't look at her.

Stomachs full, one by one each Guardian heads to their tent for the night, resting up for the long day that looms ahead of them all. As the crickets grow louder by the hour, only Trent and Valery remain, staring into the fire's burning heart.

Valery takes a deep breath, rubbing away a chill that nips at her arms. Trent looks at her from across the fire, returning his gaze to it quickly. Acting as though he never saw her.

"Trent," Valery starts, drawing his name out with hesitation.

"No," He snaps, picking a twig off the ground. He pokes at a burning log with it.

"You're not going to let me talk now?" She whispers, voice cracking.

"You ignored me for days. Why should I talk to you now, just because you feel ready? What if I'm not ready now?" He demands, watching the twig burn. Anything to avoid looking at her.

"What happened to us?" She murmurs. "I miss you. I miss us, what we used to be."

"Funny how 'used to be' was only a few days ago, wasn't it?" He scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"What's going on?" she sighs.

"Seriously? You should get used to missing me if you intend on leaving me to live as a hermit by the ocean." He snaps, digging his toe in the dirt, on the lookout for another twig.

"What?" Valery whispers, her face losing all color.

"That's right. I heard you," he comments, watching a second twig burn.

"You were eavesdropping on a private conversation then got mad for what you heard? There's a reason I was talking to her, not you!"

"It was hardly a private conversation! You were in a cloth tent!" He snaps, trying to keep his voice from rising despite the anger swelling within him, charring him like twigs. "I was circling the perimeter of the camp. Something anyone on guard duty does now and again. Don't make me out to be the bad guy here. I can't control what I hear while I'm walking, doing my job!" His last sentence grows louder with each word. He closes his eyes, blocking out the burning in front of him. Focusing on calming his anger.

"You didn't hear what you needed to hear," she whispers.

"It shouldn't be like this!" he snaps, jumping to his feet, moving his eyes to finally meet hers. "I shouldn't be questioning you right now!" He jabs a finger toward Angela's tent. "EVERYTHING you said to her, you should have said to me." He motions to his own heart, tears pricking at his eyes. "Why Val? Why are you doing this? Pulling away from me like this?"

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