Chapter 28

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The air is thick with smog and the smell of everything burning. Valery and Trent silently move through the streets, moving past bodies and rubble. As they stop to look around a corner, he notices her trembling."You're running a bit hot, you alright?" Trent asks.

"My fire is dying to burn. No different than usual," she responds, grimacing. "I'll be fine. We need to keep moving."

Trent nods in agreement. The two of them walk down the street, their eyes out for the smallest hint of movement in each direction. Trent pauses mid-step, his eyes widening.

"Trent?" Valery murmurs. "What is it?"

"We have to go." With urgency, Trent grabs Valery by the arm, his grip firm yet protective, as they start racing down the street. Their boots clack loudly against the unforgiving concrete. Valery's eyes narrow, and she asks, "What's going on?"

Trent's focus remains unwavering, his senses attuning to the chaotic symphony surrounding them. The wind carries whispers of danger and violence, guiding their path. His silence speaks volumes as he leads her through winding alleys, each step revealing the horrors of the Devil's Own army wreaking havoc. The streets are painted in the flashing red and blue lights of emergency vehicles, the alarms echoing between the buildings.

Explosions rumble in the distance, reverberating through their bodies, while the screams of terrified people pierce the air from all directions. The acrid smell of smoke, burning buildings, and flesh fills their nostrils, making each breath a reminder of the danger that surrounds them.

"Well if there was ever a time to let it rip, now is it! We're losing." Trent whispers, his breath ragged. "If we can take out the groups one by one, we might be able to get a retreat. With any luck, the rest won't notice until it's too late."

Their eyes lock onto the closest group of Devil's Own running into an alley. In sync, Trent draws his sword, and Valery conjures balls of fire in her palms. Trent lets out a battle roar as he charges with her close behind. She rapidly fires balls of fire as he runs, blasting three people before he gets his first swing in.

Valery maintains a distance, ensuring Trent doesn't become overwhelmed by using her fireballs to drop one enemy after another. The battlefield quickly turns into a grim tableau of blackened and barely recognizable bodies. The thick smoke and the smell of burning flesh choke the air, but Trent utilizes his powers to push the eye-watering stench ahead of them, providing some relief.

That's one down... How many could be left? Valery wonders, her eyes narrowing. They are near the street when rippled cries tear through the air. They turn to look at the street, seeing Guardians being pushed back. A woman falls violently against the pavement.

"NO!" Trent hisses, his eyes widening.

The air stills in a maddening silence as they realize it's Liana, a blade wedged in between her chest.

Her eyes are wide with shock.

The stampede of Devil's Own obscures her from their sight as they continue to attempt to ravage the remnants of the resistance. Trent grasps the brick wall beside him, his vision spiraling. "I can't... I can't believe.... Shit!"

Smoke is emitting from every inch of Valery and her throat begins to burn.

Valery's fists clenched, and she bit back a scream.

"They won't... They won't get away with this!" she says coldly, her voice cracking with a hidden ferocity, heat swelling from her entire being.

Trent swallows back his pain, his face hardening. "Make them pay."

Flames burst forth, and the wind whips around her, amplifying her fiery assault. The enemies closest to her are incinerated before they can even react, the rest scattering in fear and confusion. Trent aids her, manipulating the fire with the wind, ensuring its relentless advance.

Valery's body becomes a blazing inferno, and her chilling shriek echoes through the desolate battlefield. The fire rips through the Devil's Own, leaving only a trail of destruction in its wake. The Guardians watch in awe and disbelief as the flames take down the enemy, one by one until nothing remains.

As the last foe falls, the sun sets over the horizon, casting an eerie glow on the burning cityscape. The battlefield is now a haunting vision of destruction. Exhausted and overwhelmed, Valery drops to her knees, her body pale and drenched in sweat, gasping for breath.

"What's going on?" Trent murmurs, kneeling beside her.

He tries to place his hand on hers but grimaces and snatches it back. It was like trying to slap your palm onto a burning oven. He hides a minor burn from her view quickly.

Their fellow Guardians watch them stunned, the sudden end of the violent battle rooting them to their spots. Ash stood amongst them, grimacing as his eyes fell on Trent and Valery. He shook off his thoughts. "Don't stand there gawking, get to work! Council, get Liana back to HQ for respects," Ash snaps as he makes his way toward Valery and Trent.

With a wave of his palms, he beckons the moisture in the air to land on her, helping her body cool. The water drops boil and evaporates the second they hit.

"Val," Trent murmurs, his voice tight.

She grits her teeth painfully tight, bits of blood trickling out of her mouth. The tears that try to form dry up before they can slide down her face."Help me," she whispers desperately, looking at him.

Unwilling, but unable to think of anything else, he urges the wind to blow into her, bringing its stench towards them. Their noses curling up in disgust, Ash and Trent work together to cool down Valery's body.

"Thank the Angels," Trent sighs as Valery's eyes clear, her body growing cool and breathing regulating. "What was that?"

"When you play with fire, you're bound to get burned," she murmurs, her voice drained as she struggles to her feet. "Bring me the injured."

Trent puts a hand on her shoulder, his eyes narrowing with concern. "At least your sense of humor is intact... Are you sure you're alright to continue? I can help you back, let you rest. There's enough medical people out and about."

"Not enough, they are going to be running back and forth from the hospital. I have to do my job. We can't turn our backs on these people," Valery says.

Ash crosses his arms, sighing. He looks at Trent, saying, "Stay with her, I'll work on organizing groups."

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