Chapter 26// Florida

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Vik woke Alice up very early, considering neither of them had packed yesterday. Quickly, Alice threw all of her shirts and shorts into her suitcase and shut it. She didn't want to bring to much to Florida. Alice had always had the tendency to over pack since she got to the Sidemen house.

Josh had woken up half an hour before they left and said goodbye to Alice. He told her to be safe and to enjoy her time with the Pack. Again, he warned her about their switching between PG and G modes. He saw them off as they got into their taxi to the airport.

Alice and Vik didn't waist any time when it came to getting through security and customs. They were both extremely excited.

Apparently, Vik's friend Jerome made sure that all of the Pack would be there, even Lachlan, who was in Australia visiting some family. According to Jerome, this week was going to be 'the best week Alice has ever experienced.' Which wouldn't be hard to do, considering all the boys ever did was sit in the house and record videos everyday.

They got on the plane and found their seats really quick. Alice thought about all the money the boys have spent just to get her on the planes to events. It must have been a lot, she felt bad.



"How much money do you spend on me per trip?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, seriously." Vik took her hand.

"Are you sure. I'd like to pay you back one day..."

"You don't have to." Vik shook his head, squeezing her hand before he let go to finish typing something in his phone.


Alice Zerker @alice_zerkaa:
Headed to Florida to meet the Pack with my lovely boyfriend! See ya soon! @Bajan_Canadian @JeromeASF @TBNRFrags @Lachlanp @woofless

Mitch @Bajan_Canadian:
Can't wait to see you, Alice! Have a fantastic flight with icky vikky!

Josh Zerker @Zerkaa:
Have a great flight @alice_zerkaa! I'll see you when you come home:-)

Goodbye Alice! I'll see you soon!!!

Have a great time in Florida with your bae:')

She hadn't expected all the nice comments and good wishes from all of the boys and the fans. It was nice to be cared for, she liked it.

"Oi, look at all these nice messages!" Alice showed Vik the screen, he just giggled.

"Very nice, young Alice."

"I'm older than you."

"By two years, come on!"

Alice smiled, nudging him until he took his eyes away from his phone.

"What?" He questioned, looking up into her eyes.

"Kiss me!" She playfully slapped his shoulder, leaning in for the kiss.

Vik did as he was told and then went back to looking at his screen. She didn't really mind, though. She was used to all of the boys looking at screens all day.

The flight would take a few hours, so Alice brought a book. She read for a good half of the flight and then ended up having a mindless conversation with Vik.

They landed in Florida just as the sun was setting in America. It was currently nine P.M. Eastern Standard Time, that meant it was two o'clock A.M. in London.

She'd promised Josh she'd text him as soon as they got off the plane and started to head to Mitch's house.

We landed in Florida! Headed to Mitch's.

Right, have fun! See-ya next week!

Miss you already, bro.

I miss you as well.

They made it to Mitchell's house at nine thirty.

Alice hopped out of the Taxi, taking a look around the yard. It looked like your typical house, nothing different or extravagant about it.

"That's what I love about Mitch. His house isn't over the top, and neither is he." Vik said, as if he was reading her thoughts.

"Seems like a pretty chill guy, from what I've seen." Alice nodded, taking her suitcase out of the back and beginning to walk up the drive with Vik.

"Yep, wait until you meet the other guys! I think you'll love them."

"As much as I love the Sidemen?"

"As much as you love the Sidemen."

"Okay, good." Alice giggled.

They made their way to the door, knocking and waiting for someone to open the door. Some boy with brown hair opened the door, she knew him as Jerome.

"Hey buddy!" Jerome smiled when he saw Vik. He pulled him into a hug.

"Hi Jerome! It's been forever, dude." They both nodded.

"Is this your lady?" Jerome asked, looking over at Alice. She politely waved.

"Yep, she's all mine." Vik reached out for her hand, she let him take it.

"Damn, nice job... Well, the rest of the guys are all chilling in the kitchen. I'll show you to the spare room and then you can drop off your stuff and come meet the others!" Jerome explained as they all walked into the house.

"Sound good!" Vik responded as Jerome closed the door behind them.

"Right this way, follow me." Jerome lead them to a hallway filled with doors. He opened one of them and left Vik and Alice alone to get settled.

"This place is nice." Alice admired the view from their window.

"Yep, it's awesome... Ready to meet the rest of the guys?"

"Always!" Alice reached for his hand again. She'd never told him about her social anxiety. The only person who knew was her brother, and he wasn't here to tell Vik for her. She decided to try and push through it.

"Right." He lead her to the kitchen.

Everyone seemed to be excited when they walked in. Lachlan, Rob, and Preston gave hugs to Vik before hugging Alice and saying it was great to finally see her in person. Apparently they had been waiting for this moment as long as she had been. Mitch and what Alice assumed to be Jess-his girlfriend- came over after all the commotion had died down. They both seemed to like Alice naturally.

So far, so good for Alice.

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