Chapter 35// Sick

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There wasn't really much Alice could do at this point, she was completely and utterly sick. Her throat felt like someone took their nails and scratched the surface very hard, but didn't make a cut, and she could barely breath through her nose. She'd decided to stay in bed.

"You feeling any better?" Vik asked, taking off his headset.

"No, not really." Alice sighed.

"It sucks to see you sick." Vik got up from his chair and made his way over to the bed. He sat down on the edge in front of Alice.

"It's a natural thing." Alice yawned, she'd felt so tired.

"Do you want to sleep?"

"No, I wanna hug you." Alice put her hand on his back, because she couldn't reach him with her other hand.

"Oh, well... You're sick, we probably shouldn't unless you want me to get sick." Vik explained. His reason was very good, Alice didn't want him to be sick like she was.

"Right." Alice closed her eyes, just thinking.

"We could watch a movie downstairs?" Vik suggested, even though he knew very well that Alice didn't want to hear the boys screaming all day from downstairs, and that she was very comfortable right where she was.

"No, I'm not in the mood." She responded, picking up her phone.

"Babe, what do you want me to do for you?" Vik finally asked, placing a cold hand onto her forehead. She hadn't even realized she was burning up.

"Stay with me, please." Alice patted the bed, signaling for him to lay down with her.

"Oh, I wish I could, but I have to do a stream very soon." Vik sighed, standing up off the bed.

"Alright, fine. I'll mod." Alice opened the Twitch app, logging on to her account.

The chat on Vik's stream was buzzing with people, asking each other if there was going to be a stream or not.

omgitsalicez: Vik will be streaming soon! Hold on guys!!!

They all thanked her and began to tell the new people what was happening. They also asked Alice a ton of questions, which she could barely see because of all the stream viewers chatting at once.

Alice Zerker @alice_zerkaa:
@vikkstar123 stream or riot

Vik giggled as he set up the stream and logged onto the H2M server.

"Stream or riot!" She repeated herself.

"Calm, calm. I'm ready,"

Vikkstar123 @vikkstar123:
Lol! @alice_zerkaa is ready for the stream!!! 3 Mins remaining!

Alice Zerker @alice_zerkaa:
Yay! @Vikkstar123 LEZ GO MATEY!!!

Vikkstar123 @Vikkstar123:
@alice_zerkaa calm yourself...<3

Alice Zerker @alice_zerkaa:
@vikkstar123 <33

The banter between the two caused the whole Twitter community to awe them. Alice couldn't stop laughing.

"Shhh, Alice! I need to start the stream!"

"Not my fault your fans are making me laugh!" Alice got back on Twitch.

"Enough talking, your going to ruin your voice."

Alice had completely forgotten she was sick, but just then, the headache and throat ache hit her harder than ever. She stopped laughing. "Oh god."

"Are you alright?" Vik asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Start your stream." Alice waved him off, then placed a hand on her forehead and sunk down in the bed.

"Right, let's start this... 3,2,1... Hey guys it's me Vikkstar123 here and today I have an epic episode of How To Minecraft for you, Alice is sick in bed so I'm trying not to be to terribly loud so she could get some sleep back there..." He turned around and looked at her.

omgitsalicez: I'm alright guys!!! Possibly just a cold!

The chat filled up with 'get well soon' and 'we love you Alice!' It made Alice feel slightly better.

"Anyway, let's get going today..." Vik droned on for the whole hour episode, making sure he wasn't too loud.

Alice was so thankful for him because he cared so much. She really didn't think that any other boy would care enough to keep quiet and turn the lights out when she was in the room.

"Well, that's going to conclude today's How To Minecraft video, I'll see you all tomorrow, goodbye." After an hour of streaming, he finally ended, saving all of the recorded files before turning off the monitors.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked, her voice more hoarse than it was before.

"Coming to take care of you." Vik smiled, crawling into the bed.

"Vik, you have to edit tons..."

"What's the point? My baby's sick. I wanna take care of my baby."

"I'm okay, trust me... Do your work, it's important." Alice got out of bed for the first time today.

"Where are you going?" Vik asked, sitting up.

"To Josh. I want you to finish up your work." Alice opened the door.

"Aliiiiiice!" He called as she left the room. Vik didn't follow, he just shut the door.

'Good.' Alice thought, 'That's what I wanted him to do.'

She crossed the landing into Joshua's room.

"Josh!" She quietly whispered, knocking on the door.

"Come in... Why are you whispering?" Josh asked as she carefully opened the door.

"Sick." She answered, falling into his bed.

"Ah, right. Vik told me earlier."

"Whatcha doing?" Alice asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

"Editing, bouta Skype Frey." Josh smiled.

"Oh, I'll leave then..."

"No, no. I want to talk to you, actually." Josh turned toward her in his chair. He placed his elbows on the arm rests and held his hands together.


"What was all the... Drama about whilst you were on vacation with Vik?"

"Josh... Seriousl-"

"No, seriously, tell me." Josh cut her off.

"Uh... Well... I woke up I-in the morning a-and uh, yeah. I felt super sick..."

"Like this sick?"

"No... Like morning sickness, sick."

"So your pregnant?"

"No! God no, Jesus no."

"Good." Josh sighed.

"Yeah, so Jess-Mitch's girlfriend-helped me a pregnancy test that Vik and Mitch got and I took it. It was negative." Alice finished. She felt a weight lifted off her shoulders.

"I'm glad. I would have killed him."

"I knew you would say that." Alice rolled her eyes.

"Well I'm glad your okay, Ali."

"Hey, didn't I tell you to start calling me that weeks ago?"

"Yeah, I forgot..." Josh giggled.

"I'm glad you've remembered, though."

"Yeah, me too."

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