Chapter 28// Dinner with The Pack

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Alice, Jess, and the rest of the boys spent almost all day at the beach. The boys were all having a reunion by the water, so Alice decided to get to know Jess a little bit more.

"So, how long have you been dating Mitch?" She asked, watching Preston push Vik and Lachlan under the water at the same time. She giggled.

"Not very long... I think for two months or something..." She laughed, "I should probably figure that out."

"It's okay, I've completely forgotten the day Vik and I started dating." She explained, biting her bottom lip.

"You guys are so cute together!" Jess ran a hand through her brown hair.

"You're one to be talking! You and Mitch are way cuter than Vik and I!" Alice disagreed.

"Nah, come on!"

"I am not lying. Mitch is attached to you at the hip."

"He's everything I would have wished for in a boyfriend." She sighed.

"That's how I feel about Vik, twins!" Alice joked, causing Jess to giggle.

"Wanna take a selfie?" Jess asked, getting her phone into prime selfie position.

"Sure," Alice got ready for the picture and Jess snapped it. "Send that to me! I'll put it on my Instagram."


A few seconds later, Alice got a text from her and she saved the picture to her camera roll.

'@alice_zerkaa: Love me some Jess'

Jess smiled down at her phone when she saw the picture.

"Nice caption." Jess laughed, turning her phone off.

"Thanks, I put a lot of thought into that."

"Well, c'mon Alice. Let's go have fun with the guys." Jess removed her top and bottoms to reveal her swimsuit.

Alice did the same and quickly threw her hair up into a messy bun.

Jess took Alice's hand and they slowly walked down the beach toward the water. They chatted about what it's like to be a girlfriend of a youtuber and all the hate they get. Neither of them knew why they got so much hate, but it didn't really bother either of them.

"Hey babe!" Mitch called, once they both reached the guys.

"Hi Mitch." Jess let go of Alice's hand and hugged Mitch.

"Vik." Alice calmly said.

"Alice." Vik copied, wrapping an arm around Alice's waist.

"I really like you without a shirt on." Alice placed her opposite hand on his stomach.

"I really like you in that bikini." Vik sighed.

"I really like you in general."

"Sure." He responded.

Rob and Jerome had snuck up on them in this time, and jumped onto both Alice and Vik, pulling them under the water.

"JEROME!" Alice screamed as she surfaced.

"What? You looked like you needed to cool down." Jerome smirked.

"Are you calling me hot?" Alice giggled, shivering. The water was extremely colder than she thought it would be in Florida.


"Oi! Mine." Vik ran a hand through his thick hair to get it out of his eyes.

"Sorry Vik." Jerome stopped smirking.

"Anyway, where do you want to go to dinner?" Mitch asked, laughing.

"I don't care. Anywhere is fine." Alice responded as she watched Preston and Lachlan playing tag farther out in the ocean.

"Alright then. My choice. It'll be a surprise." Mitch spoke in a funny accent. Something he did often, Alice realized.

"Oh no, why did we let Mitch choose!" Rob sighed.

"Yeah, who gave him all the power!" Jerome added.

"To late. I've already figured out where we are going. Come on, let's go dry off." Mitch began to trudge out of the water.

"Whatever." Vik laughed.

The rest of the group followed. No one really talked as they all laid in the hot sun. Alice dried off surprisingly quick, considering the dunking that she'd received earlier. It made her laugh that twenty year old boys could be so childish.

They spent the next hour doing absolutely nothing other than waiting for Lachlan to fix his hair. The group then proceeded to leave.

"Time for dinner!" Rob cheered as they all climbed into the car.

Alice Zerker @alice_zerkaa:
Sick day at the beach with. @vikkstar123 @Bajan_Canadian @TBNRFrags @LachlanP and the rest of the Pack!

Josh @zerkaaHD:
@alice_zerkaa glad your having fun! Simon and Ethan miss you!!!

Alice Zerker @alice_zerkaa:
@zerkaaHD what about you? lol.

Josh @zerkaaHD:
@alice_zerkaa is that even a question?

"-TO ALICE? YOU STILL THERE?" Preston shouted, making Alice jump.

"Wha-yeah!" She responded.

"Are you having fun yet?!"

"I'm always having fun! You guys are so cool!"

"Better than the Sidemen?" Rob asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Uh, I wouldn't go that far..." Alice responded, not wanting to make things awkward between her and the boys.

"Nah, I wouldn't either. The Sidemen are cool guys." He waved the question off, turning back around in his seat.

"Alice?" Vik asked, leaning over toward her.


"Your kinda hot." He giggled.

"So are you! More hot than I am." Alice protested.


"Don't put yourself down babe! So many people love you." She patted his thigh.

"I'm not! You just said that I was hotter than you, and I don't believe it." Vik sighed.

"Oh, well it's true!" Alice leaned against his shoulder.

"I love you so much Alice."

"I know, you say that every five seconds." She giggled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Do I? I guess I just never realized..."

"You probably never did." Alice smiled, poking his nose.

"Oi. Don't touch my nose, young Zerker." Vik poked her side.

"I'm not even young!" Alice scoffed.

"Well, compared to your brother, who's a year older that you, you are young. That's why I call you young Zerker!"

"Ugh, stupid Josh. Why does he have to be older than me?" Alice shook her head.

"I don't know, why don't you ask your mo-...never mind."

"Yeah, uh, news flash! My moms dead." She closed her eyes slowly, trying not to cry or freak out.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it..."

"I know, it's okay. Don't beat yourself up about it. I still love you."

"I'm honestly so sorry."

"It's fine, really."

Alice missed her mom, she really did. But there was no point on dwelling I the past. Her mother had lived her life, and it might not have ended as she'd expected but at least she was happy wherever she'd gone.

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