Chapter 40// Vik Remembers

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It had been a stressful week for Vik and Alice alike. Josh continued to try and help Vik, and Vik was remembering more, but he still couldn't quite place Alice.

Alice didn't really care anymore. She was used to appearing in the hospital and Vik still not remembering her. Apparently Josh had barely touched in the subject of her, so that was another reason why she hadn't expected much all week. Everyday would have been a disappointment.

Josh @zerkaa:
Everyday has been a struggle. Glad @alice_zerkaa and @miniminter7 are here to help.

"I'm not doing much helping." Alice sighed.

"Neither am I, really." Simon threw his phone onto the chair next to him.

"You guys are my moral support. At least you're helping me out." Josh smiled.

"Anyway, back to what you were saying?" Vik looked between the group.

"Oh, right... So then you made this channel..." Josh drifted on, trying to make sense out of what Vik couldn't understand. It was a tedious process, and Alice was still proud that he was going strong even after failing so much.

"He's never going to remember you if Josh doesn't talk about you." Simon leaned over to her and whispered.

"I don't even know why I show up anymore... I've literally been waiting all week to tell Vik about all our trips and experiences." Alice shook her head

"Maybe today will be the day." Simon stood up, "I'm headed home... Do you want to come or are you doing to stay?"

"I'm gonna stay. See if I actually have a shot today."

"Okay, bye Alice."


"Hey, Josh..." Simon said goodbye to Josh and Vik, as he left the room.

"Alice, I'm headed for lunch. Wanna watch over Vik for a while?"


"Okay." Josh followed Simon out the door, smiling as he left.

Alice nor Vik said anything to each other for a few minutes. Alice just stared out the window, thinking of how she would spark the conversation that could save Vik's memory.

"Alice Emily Zerker... B-born January 2oth, 1993. Sister to Joshua Zerker. My fiancé." Vik blurted out, Alice wasn't paying attention, she'd only caught the last sentence.

"What?!" Alice stood up, rushing over to the side of the hospital bed and kneeling on the ground.

"You're-you're my fiancé. I'm engaged to you. We got engaged in Florida while visiting my friends!" Vik smiled, he was finally putting the pieces together.

"YES!" Alice shouted, smiling. "That's it! You've done it! You've remembered!"

"It took me a while, but I couldn't stop thinking about that ring. I knew I remembered it." Vik sighed.

"I love you..." Alice cried, hugging him. He returned the hug, kiss her cheek.

"I love you so much more!"

"Oh my god I've literally waited all week for this moment and it finally came." Alice cried tears of joy, nothing had ever felt better than that moment.

"Never try to kill you self again." Vik scolded.

"If I knew that your would lose your memory I never would have... That was the biggest mistake of my life." Alice released him and took a step back. She placed a hand over her mouth, trying to stop herself from sobbing out loud.

"Never make that mistake again, or I'll be a goner for sure. If this one didn't get me, then the next one will." Vik giggled.

"I'm so glad to have my Vik back."

"I'm so glad to have my memory back."

"Oh, I have to tell Josh! And Simon! And the rest of the Sidemen!" Alice jumped with joy, she pulled her phone out of her back pocket and pulled up twitter.

Alice Zerker @alice_zerkaa:
He remembers! Today is a good day! Welcome back the the world, @vikkstar123!!!

Josh @zerkaa retweeted your tweet.

Wedgeman Simon @miniminter7 retweeted your tweet.

Everyone started retweeting the tweet, spreading the news around the fandom. She knew the news would probably end up on Drama Alert later tonight.

Alice's phone began to ring, it was Josh. She answered, placing the phone against her ear.

"He's remembered?" Josh screeched into her ear.

"Yes! Yes, he's remembered!" Alice jumped again.

"Good! How did he remember? Did you tell him something?"

"No, he just told me my birthday and my full name, then he proceeded to tell me that I was his fiancé! It was crazy!" Alice explained, her face lighting up as he spoke.

What she didn't realize was what was happening to Vik behind her. He was blacking out, slowly, but surely.

Eventually a bunch of nurses and doctors were on him, and everything was happening in slow motion for Alice. She dropped the phone, and it smashed to the ground. Her knees gave out, and she fell to the floor in sadness. Vik had left her once more.

He wasn't dead, no. He hasn't given up on her yet. But he was sleeping. He's fallen into a coma.

Alice drove home that night, crying. She made her way to the upstairs bathroom and grabbed her razor. Today had all been too much for her, and she didn't want to deal with it anymore. She wanted to fall asleep too.

For the first time since she was sixteen, she slit her wrists. She fell to the floor as the blood started pooling around her arms. No one was home, no one to stop her from falling asleep. Alice didn't want to continue, she didn't want to live anymore. This was it. This was the end for Alice Zerker.

Her mind swirled. Thoughts and pictures flashing before her very own eyes. Memories, so many memories. She couldn't process everything happening in her brain. It was like she was on a drug, she felt so free, so... high. It felt like bliss to her. She'd never felt anything better, and that was horrible.

Slowly, she couldn't feel the pain from the cuts anymore, and the thought in her brain became to much. Alice fell into a deep, dark sleep. She was gone.

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