Love Sick

306 9 91

Theme Song: "Is It You" by Crush 40


"NO, KNUCKLES! I refuse!"

Sonic and Knuckles were walking down a sidewalk, on their way to a local video game store. Knuckles was trying to convince Sonic to "settle down" with Amy Rose, a pink hedgehog who believes Sonic is "the one" for her, especially since he first saved her from being captured by Dr. Eggman many years prior.

"Come on dude, she's been in love with you since like, forever!" said Knuckles.

"Yeah, but she just doesn't get it ya' know? I don't feel the same way about her."

"Yeah OK, but you can at least take her on a date for the sake of her happiness."

"I mean, I bought her flowers, isn't that enough?"

Knuckles looked at Sonic with a threatening expression, followed by a growl.

Easing him before the worst was to come, Sonic quickly spoke, "Calm down Knux! I was kidding about that...but seriously-"


This time with anger in his voice, Sonic retorts, "Why are you yelling?!"


"Not at all! You need to pipe down, because I don't like Amy! Not her, not Blaze, not even Rouge- I don't even know how that rumor started!"

Unadmittingly, Knuckles had feelings for Rouge the Bat; and this was his first time hearing of such rumor. "Wait, what rumor?"

"Never mind, it's best you don't know." flagged Sonic.

"Nooo, I wanna know now!"

"Too bad."

Knuckles' frustration then quickly changed to curiosity. He then asks, "Well, there's gotta be someone, right?"

Sonic's ear flicked and his instincts showed him the far sky. He stopped walking to see an enflamed object falling from the sky and grabbed Knuckles' shoulder to halt him too.

Knuckles saw Sonic's concentration was elsewhere and his eyes traced upwards. "Whoa."

Sonic tapped Knuckles' arm, "Come on, let's go check it out!"

They then sprang off to follow the object to wherever it would land soon. In under four minutes, they made it to a construction site that was gated off, but no one was working there. It may have been a faster trip had Sonic went alone, but he wanted to make sure Knuckles didn't get lost. Closer to the opposite fence, was where what looked to be a space ship had landed.

Ignoring the signs against trespassers, Sonic and Knuckles climbed over the silver fence. Three steps forth then steam whistled out of the craft, making them hesitate.

Sonic turned to a puzzled Knuckles, "Hey, does that ship look familiar to you?"

Knuckles was clearly brainstorming when he hesitated to answer, "I was just thinkin' that too...But, from where?"

"Looks too sleek to be one of Eggman's old clunkers. Plus, I don't see his ugly emblem anywhere on it."

This atmosphere-scorched, navy blue ship slightly resembled a military jet that would be seen on Earth, but it was larger in height and volume, and its thrusters did not have the transparent fumes of heat or gas that would normally ripple out from aircrafts. That alone was a sign that this ship's civilization of origin was far more advanced.

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