Resurrection-Chapter 19

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Theme Song: "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy

Mephiles drew back his large arm and swung a violent fist at Sonic. This time, Sonic caught the fist in his hands without any noticeable effort. Mephiles was dumbfounded at this new strength. He launched another fist at Sonic, but Shadow flew in fast enough to catch the other fist.

"Why you little- UMPH!"

While vulnerable, Silver dashed towards Mephiles, tackling his blimp-sized body. Mephiles met the gravel with an impact to crater the width of the street. Silver rose from the crater and focused on a demolished twenty-story building that looked ready to tip over. Silver raised his hands to it and the whole structure illuminated in gold. Silver grunted as he gestured his arms downwards, allowing the building to finish falling over. It leaned over and spilled relentlessly on top of a roaring Mephiles; concrete, glass, and stonework toppling over him in a collision that shook the city.

"Dude, did you just drop a whole building on him?" Sonic amazed, descending next to Silver.

"That was twenty-stories right there; about two-hundred feet. That's a little over sixty times our height." Shadow followed.

"Thanks. But I doubt that did him over." Silver exhaling, not even displaying a lack of energy after his actions.

The rubble from the tower started to glow a dark red, then it exploded out blasting debris everywhere.

The three hedgehogs dodged the various scrap items as Mephiles ascended again, "Alright then, let's play for a bit!"


"I'll see you out there Tails!" Knuckles shouted back.

"Be careful, Knuckles!" Tails nodded.

Knuckles hopped off Tails' plane, down into the battlefield. None of the Heartless saw him coming, but when he landed he drove a fiery fist onto the ground, quaking the area around him to give him a starting advantage. He stood up straight and began throwing his blockish spiked fists at whatever opposed him.

Down the street, Vector The Crocodile was fighting off larger Heartless on his own. Espio The Chameleon had leapt off a street light with a dagger in his hand to pounce on one as a distraction for Vector. A mile away, Storm The Albatross relied on hit-and-run tactics, using his raw strength against whatever creature was in his way while he rode past them on his board. Multiple black figures can be seen being knocked away in different directions as he rode by. Storm stopped swinging when he saw Sally Acorn up ahead. He slowed down near her to offer a hand, with more Heartless closing in on them. She willingly took his large hand and Storm started rotating around on his board, swinging Sally around with him. Faster and faster now, Sally repositioned herself to kick away any Heartless that got too close to her.

The mob was clearing up until a small Heartless with a purple body, just two legs, and a bomb for a head started pacing forward casually. While spinning, Storm quickly noticed the little being had an active wick on its head and it was burning off the more he spun to face its direction.

"Sorry, but this is for your own good!" Storm told Sally.

"What are you- WHOOAA!"

Storm cut off Sally, and she felt her spinning body thrown high up in the air like a ragdoll, right before the Minute Bomb ignited itself in front of Storm. She then felt her body yanked out of the air by a pair of metallic arms that continued to fly. She peered up and to her surprise, it was Metal Sonic who had flown in to catch her. Sally looked back to see Storm was unscathed from the blast and proceeding to whale on the army.

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