Resurrection-Chapter 15

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Theme Song: "Catch Me If You Can (Zero Gravity Remix)" by Runblebee

"They're tailing us!" Wave called.

"Shit," Jet mumbled, grabbing hold of the Chaos Emerald, "Storm! Take the Chaos Emerald and keep going! We're all gonna split at the intersection up ahead!"

Jet threw the jewel behind him and Storm caught it with one hand.

Shadow and Blaze were closing in on them, until they heard Jet shout, "GO!"

The Rogues split; Jet to the right, Wave to the left, and Storm kept straight. The duo stopped to plan.

"Storm has the Emerald, I can feel it in his direction! I'll go after him, stay on Jet since you can keep up with him!" Blaze offered.

Shadow nodded and went off in a sonic boom after Jet. Storm was a bit slower, so Blaze went after him.

Storm swerved left and right, dodging all of the G.U.N. soldiers and vehicles. Just then, two Gargoyle Heartless flew down to attack Storm. Storm leaned away from the first, then the second came, and he backfisted it into an oncoming traffic light. The other stood on him, but this time, Storm caught its torso with his large hand. Distracted, he had just noticed there was a bus flipped over on its side blocking the road.

"This'll hurt you more than it will me!" Storm to Gargoyle.

The defenseless Heartless tried to fly away, but when they were close enough, Storm pulled the being back, and rammed him forward to use as a battering ram against the bus. Storm's raw power tore through the eighteen-ton bus without having to get off his Gear. The Heartless was obliterated and Storm kept riding on.

Unfortunately, the albatross was not ready for the obstacle too close ahead; Blaze had already sent a wave of fire after him. On instinct, Storm tossed the Chaos Emerald sky-high before he was blown off his board. As if on cue, Wave had just swooped in to take the Emerald and glided to the next rooftop.

"Agh! I forgot her board was flight-based!" Blaze hissed.

"And I'm all power!" Storm recovering himself.

A Shadow Heartless had just spawned behind him. Storm swung his fist through it, and when a G.U.N. Trooper from far called out, "GRENADE," he threw a fist through the grenade lobbing his way. The grenade exploded on Storm's fist, without so much as a flinch.

Storm rotated back around again, "See what I- hey!"

Blaze was gone, chasing after Wave. Storm picked up his Type-S and tried to find more convenient routes.

Wave surfed the rooftops, keeping an eye out for Blaze. Her sights trailed to the sky and noticed Sonic and Tails high above.

"There you are." she said.

Wave heard a crackle of a flame when she noticed a fireball heading straight for her.

"Whoa!" Wave just dodging it.

A clan of Wyverns were flying by them, unnoticed. Wave grinned and turned to ride in their direction. Blaze pounced, but just missed when Wave had boosted forward.

Wave soared off the rooftop behind the Wyverns and started to ride the wind current they were blowing behind them, but also keeping a distance to avoid provoking them. Luckily, the Wyverns had reached a high enough building for Wave to glide to Sonic on her own. She dipped right and hopped onto the building, braking to look for Sonic. She found the plane was closer, but lower, and it was still going.

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