Resurrection-Chapter 3

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"I'm still debating on whether or not I should kill him."

"Dr. Eggman has a great mind, if there's something valuable we need to know, he would make an adequate resource."

Mephiles and Ansem stood at the entrance of Dr. Eggman's base. They were planning on what Ansem should tell or do to the Doctor.

"Very well then. He shall be our hostage." Ansem concluded.

"I will stay behind for now." said Mephiles, disappearing into a black smoke just forming under him.

Ansem made his way into the base to confront the Doctor, opening a black hole in before him and travelled through. When he reappeared into reality, he found himself in Dr. Eggman's dark and blue-tinted computer room, and so the Doctor sat, napping at his computer. From behind Ansem, the large sliding doors opened up and rushing into room was Orbot and Cubot.

"DOCTOR, DOCTOR!" they bantered.

Eggman sprung out of his seat and tripped on the chair's wheel, falling chest first. The two robots hovered in his direction to assist him, not realizing Ansem was there- as they were too concerned about what they had to say.

"Ansem is trying to betray-" Orbot began, but him and Cubot stopped in their tracks to just realize Ansem was in the room, right in between them, "Oh..."

Ansem's grin dropped to a frown when he looked down at the defenseless Orbot. Ansem gripped Orbot and Cubot by the necks of their exoskeletons and smashed their heads into each other. The lights on their faces turned off, as they were no longer active. Ansem tossed away the two metal bodies with ease and continued on towards the Doctor.

"What is the meaning of this?! Where is the Scepter? And what about Sonic? Did you even deal with that?" Eggman spat.

"Quiet Doctor, open a containment cell. Mephiles will bring your captive shortly..."

"You didn't have to destroy my robots!" Eggman said, hurriedly clicking buttons on his computer.

A floor panel from across the laboratory opened up and a large cylindrical glass cell began to ascend.

As soon as the glass door glided open, Ansem grabbed Eggman's collar, "You fool."


In one full, one-armed swing, Ansem lifted Dr. Eggman off his chair and threw him into the cell. Eggman crashed stomach-first into the cell and right before he fell back, Ansem clicked a button on the computer and the door shut. Eggman recovered and started howling and pounding on the glass, demanding his release. Ansem clicked a few more buttons and the cell began to descend, as Eggman panicked more, eventually growing silent when the floor panel sealed once more.

"Well, that was easier than I expected." he snickered.

He continued exploring Eggman's computer until a siren went off, red lights flashing in the room. The screen displayed the cameras, but with no use, as the problem was already near. The lab's doors opened behind Ansem and an army of every robot Eggman has created, began their assault on Ansem, bullets and lasers firing at him.

To his convenience, Mephiles arose from the ground in his signature smog, and upon ascension, he formed a barrier around him and Ansem. Then with a push of his hand, the barrier floated towards the door, now serving as a bastion between the gaps of the doors.

"That should buy us time to find a way to make them obey us." said Ansem, returning back to the computer.

The firing then ceased for a moment. The two turned around to see the robots retreating.

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