Shadow Of A Shadow

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In The Streets Of Downtown Westopolis...

Shadow was walking down the streets of Westopolis, where the invasion of the Black Aliens began. He absorbed the area around him at what's left: destroyed cars, a torn-up baby doll, and nothing but ashes and scraps of metal on the asphalt ground.

The ground abruptly went darker.
Sparkling traffic lights, street light poles and the remaining neon signs that hung from the entrance of small stores died out to leave Shadow in this emptier atmosphere.

"I can only imagine the costs of all thesw damages. Oh well, that's solely a human problem; I have no concern for any of that."

He looked at the burnt ground beneath him, and noticed something strange. His shadow was unmistakably visible, as if it were daytime. Stranger, there weren't any working lights to help create the shadow and there wasn't enough moonlight to cast upon Shadow's body either.

Shadow stopped walking, to examine this shadow. He waved his hand left and right, but the shadow didn't follow accordingly. The shadow's hand then broke from it's two-dimensional form, becoming three-dimensional, shooting out to the sky. The shadow then detached at Shadow's feet, hovering in the air, becoming entirely three-dimensional. Shadow stepped backwards, and fell down, tripping over some object.

He looked to see what was in his way, a large silver artifact with a long, dark violet, glassy handle. Picking it up, he remembers it. It belonged to a psychic who was being attacked by a Black Alien, and she dropped it while running away. Shadow didn't find it of any importance, but evidently, it now may have been. There was a difference with this object compared to when the psychic dropped it. Then, it had a purple and smoky aura surrounding it. Now there wasn't even so much as a glow.

Shadow returned his attention to what used to be his shadow, but now it physically resembled Shadow himself

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Shadow returned his attention to what used to be his shadow, but now it physically resembled Shadow himself. It mirrored Shadow in every way imaginable, except where Shadow's crimson markings are supposed to be, are now a murky-aqua color. Along with Shadow's red shoe markings, was now this murky-aqua.
One significant difference with this creature was that it did not have a mouth. In addition, its eyes were green with reptilian pupils.

At first, Shadow thought it was another Black Alien of a different species, but something was very odd about this creature.

Despite this, he rhetorically greeted the creature, "What are you?"

"Nobody that you know, or have ever known. But I now know you. I am Mephiles, Mephiles the Dark, and I thank you for this body, Shadow the Hedgehog." said the creature.

Shocked, Shadow couldn't believe the creature spoke, let alone in perfect English- without a mouth. His was not as deep, but was indeed just as threatening as Shadow's. It was a cold, deep, and heart-stopping voice, with a cutting resonance that could echo in one's mind.

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