Resurrection-Chapter 12

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Theme Song: "Destati" by Yoko Shimomura

"So, you found assistance by outworldly means? Talk about desperation for wanting a 'knight in shining armor-' or better say, knights."

Sonic, Sally, and the Knights of the Round Table wound up to face Mephiles in the city of Westopolis. Local citizens have already ran away, as they recognized Mephiles. It was sunset, people should have been home anyway.

"Mephiles! We will bring you down and you will never see the light of day again!" Sonic warned.

"Ha! I won't see the light of day regardless; darkness will engulf this world, permanently! Besides, I already have two Chaos Emeralds." Mephiles said, revealing the green and yellow Chaos Emeralds.

"That's not possible!" Sally gasped.

"Oh, but you can see it is! Your friends have so kindly handed them to me, and right now they're helping me find the rest!"

"Sir Sonic, with all due respect, he doesn't seem so keen on returning those gems. I suggest we take it ourselves." Sir Lancelot commented.

"He's right. And considering your other allies are not faring too well, it would be best to slow him down now." Caliburn added.

"Well alright then! Everyone, attack!" Sonic exclaimed.

Mephiles raised his hands and in a linear formation, ten black circles formed on the street between Mephiles and the group. The shadows then ascended from the ground and became Neoshadow Heartless. These were smarter versions of the generic Shadow Heartless, and much taller, stronger, and faster. They had two tendrils coming from its head to serve as its "hair," almost like Ansem's Guardian. When they stood, they did not twitch, in fact, they were more focused than how the regular Shadows would be. Neoshadows posed a bigger threat than most of the other Heartless.

Both sides rushed at each other as Mephiles stood back and watched. With every attack, the Neoshadows blocked the heroes' attacks and would always save their commons on time. Sonic hacked and swung, the Heartless deflected and dodged. Sonic grew frustrated and increased the strength of his swing, cutting through the Neoshadow's block, along with the rest of its body.

Sally was performing a bit better, since her weapons were-light based, so it made it harder for the creatures of the dark to block without harming themselves. Mephiles noticed this and shot an energy sphere at her. Sonic saw it on time and jumped in front of her. to reflect the attack back to Mephiles with his sword. Mephiles was hit by his own attack, then he vanished. This didn't mean he was beaten, this meant he was plotting...

The Knights worked cohesively against the creatures. Lancelot sliced through one, spun around, and sliced the other. Another one was flying down above him, but Galahad saw it from far and caught him with his psychokinesis. Another Neoshadow attacked him to disrupt the concentration and free his comrade. The Heartless was free, and was going to drop on Lancelot, but Lamorak threw his battle axes and knocked the creature away. The axes curved back around to him like boomerangs and continued fighting. Ironically, another Neoshadow was above Lamorak this time, and it was Gawain who hurled his twin blades at it and they returned the same. Gawain was tackled to the ground and was being clawed by two of the brutes. Percival then arrived, and in one clean, silent, and swift move, she slit through both Heartless with her rapier, killing them.

Mephiles reappeared behind Sally. Sally felt his presence and she spun around fast enough to catch him in her blades.

"Got you this time, prick!"

"Gragh! I'll kill you!" Mephiles growled.

Sally kicked him away from her, and he stumbled to the ground. Sonic came from above and aimed the tip of his sword for Mephiles' chest. Mephiles had vanished again on time, allowing Sonic to cut straight through the gravel.

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