Resurrection-Chapter 8

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Espio The Chameleon awaited at Amy's door, knocking and calling her for three minutes.

"Uh, Amy? Are you in there?" Espio called.

He gave up and looked through the window and saw she wasn't there.

"Hmm, probably went out. Guess I'll stop by later."

He started to walk away, but he heard the bellowing of an engine from far. Speeding down the street was Shadow on a motorcycle. He rolled up by the curb in front of Amy's house and shut the engine off.

"Greetings, Shadow. Do you happen to know where Amy could be?" Espio asked.

"Yes actually, she's at G.U.N.'s Infirmary." Shadow replied.

"'Infirmary?' Why is she there? Is she OK?"

"Calm down lover boy, she's fine. Last night, she snuck out with Blaze to face Mephiles and Ansem...Speaking of which, do you remember the night you, Blaze, and I were talking 'the disturbance?' The one where I felt an energy, you felt it in nature, and Blaze felt it within the dimension?"

"Of course. What about it?"

"I think...I think that may have been Ansem."

"Ansem's power?"

"Correct. Because, Eggman said he comes from another dimension."

"How would he know?"

"He summoned him."

"Oh, that fool!"

"I have him imprisoned right now, don't worry. And his base is gone, so he couldn't do anything anyway."


"Mephiles and Ansem turned on him and must've destroyed it."

"Oh...So what do you need me to do?"

"As of now, we need everyone. We need to find the Chaos Emeralds before they do."

"Sounds like a plan."

Suddenly, five Soldier Heartless and two small red, floating, hourglass shaped Emblem Heartless appeared in the middle of the street.

"What on Earth, are those?" Espio whispered.

Shadow could see the Heartless emblem on each of them, remembering it from the one on Ansem's chest.

"They work for Ansem, they both share the same insignia." Shadow returned.

"Must be an army."

"I hope not."

One of the little red ones created a fireball in front of itself and shot it at Shadow's bike. The bike caught fire and in seconds, the engine ignited followed by a blossoming of flames and scrap metal in a thunderous roar. The explosion also set off local car alarms in the neighborhood.

Shadow noticed his front tire falling in his direction and caught it with one hand while staring down at the Heartless. He held it tightly by his side, breathing heftily, angered that his bike was destroyed.

"Looks like they don't want us to go." Espio commented, pulling out two throwing kunais.

"I'll make them want to!" Shadow erupted, hurling the tire at the same red Heartless.

The tire impelled the Red Nocturne to spin backwards in rapid mid-air rotations. Shadow had already teleported to it and executed a jump spinning back-kick, subduing the creature into submission, making it vanish with a hiss.

Another pained hiss was heard when a blade was flung like lightning at the other Red Nocturne. The remaining Soldiers were left bewildered at who threw it. Shadow watched on as he knew what was to happen next: Espio turned visible again behind one of the Soldiers, to pierce another kunai through its back, and turned invisible again as the rest of the Soldiers tried to rush Espio, but missed and killed their already wounded brethren with multiple claw swipes.

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