Resurrection-Chapter 5

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Theme Song: "Another Way Out" by Hollywood Undead

"Thank you again Sonic! Safe travels home!"

"No problem Miss Vanilla!"

It was agreed that everyone stay separated, but if anything were to happen, to get in touch with someone else immediately. Sonic had just escorted Cream home to her mother, Vanilla The Rabbit, just as Rouge advised.

Once that was done, Sonic headed back home alone. To stay safe from being outdoors for too long, Sonic relied on his speed to travel back. He zipped through back-roads, streets, and alleyways in a flash of blue that traced and illuminated the night. Although moving fast, Sonic was still able to see every little detail around him as if he were moving slower; it's how Sonic developed his reflexes. Speaking of so, Sonic spotted something black up ahead.

"Huh? What now?" he commented.

Unfortunately, he was only a few blocks away from his house (which in Sonic's case, a few seconds), but skidded to a stop to investigate his finding. He looked around for what he thought he saw, but it was gone.

"Uh...Hello? Is anyone here? I know I saw you! Come out, I don't bite!" he called out from the empty street.

Suddenly, a soft sound was heard behind him, like something had just appeared. Sonic turned around to be appalled by what was there. It was a small, black, shadow-like creature. It had small, beaming yellow eyes, two crooked antennas, arms with three-digit hands and two legs. It stood slightly hunched and was constantly checking its surroundings.

"What is that? What the-"

The creature then focused on Sonic. It leapt forward at him attempting to claw him. Sonic sped around it within a second and the creature missed the attack. Sonic balled up and charged a Spin Dash, then spun quickly forward before the creature could even turn around. Sonic dashed right through it, as the creature was defeated, fading into nothingness. Sonic unrolled himself and checked his surroundings again. Nothing was there.

"Huh...This night's just getting weirder!"

Sonic turned back to the direction of his home, but was startled with the figure he laid eyes on that invaded the night. Sonic recognized the figure as Metal Sonic.

"Hey! You better get outta my way if you know what's good for you!"

Metal Sonic began walking closer, "I know what is good for me Sonic..."

Metal Sonic stopped about ten meters away from Sonic. Sonic noticed his new physical differences. The darker coating, the yellow eyes, and the odd symbol on his head. He remembered it was the same one Ansem has above his chest.

"Oh yeah? What 'good' could you possibly desire inside that cold shell of yours?"

Metal clenched his hands, "Your demise!"

The mech then started reeking a smoky black aura from his build. His hands raised and on-command, more of the small black creatures arose from the ground, surrounding Sonic.

"Shadows, attack!" Metal commanded.

All at once, the Shadows lunged towards the middle at Sonic, but Sonic reacted quicker; he dropped to the floor and did a flare (as he calls it, the "Sonic Flare"), where every spinning kick knocked away the Shadows around him to give him space. When done, Sonic swung his legs up from behind him and followed through with a backflip, balled up, and spun himself in mid-air, homing down on a Shadow like a missile. The Shadow vanished on impact, and Sonic ricochet himself off that one, to the next closest one, and continued doing so in a bouncy-ball-like fashion.

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