Resurrection-Chapter 7

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The Next Morning...

"Anything on this Ansem?"

Shadow was back at G.U.N. Headquarters (Guardian Units of Nations), trying to gain information on Ansem.

"Agent Shadow, sir! Our analysts believe Ansem could be an alien or some other foreign life form. He has no history as far as Earth goes." the lesser ranked soldier reported to Shadow.

"Thanks. Dismissed." Shadow replied, and the soldier marched elsewhere.

Another ran up and saluted to him. "Shadow, sir. We have a problem. E-123 Omega has reportedly been shut off...permanently."

"What? Are you sure he's not on stand-by?" Shadow tensed.

"Sir, we ran several diagnostics; it was concluded E-123 Omega disconnected from our radars twelve hours ago, last night. We've managed to retrace his heat signatures and found him en-route to Dr. Eggman's base. Soon after, his power core went completely cold."

"Why would he go there?..."

"Our investigators said his last report was that he was on a hostage rescue operation for Rouge The Bat."

Shadow was now angry and confused.

"Agent Shadow, please report to the Infirmary." the base's telecoms sounded.

Shadow disappeared in a blink of light and teleported to the Infirmary's entrance. The nurse was already waiting there, expecting Shadow to pop up out of nowhere like he usually does.

"Come! Quickly!" the lady badgered.

She sped-walked with Shadow following close behind, to the fourth room down the cold hallway. They paved left into the room, where Rouge lied weakly on the white bed. Another nurse was in there, scavenging the cupboards.

"We're out of bandages!" she shouted.

"On it!" the nurse with Shadow responded, storming out of the room.

The other nurse stopped searching and hurried out the room as well, in the opposite direction.

"What were you thinking?" Shadow growled.

"Please keep your voice at that volume, my head is killing me...Blaze wanted to avenge Silver, so Sally, Amy, and I, joined her...We found them at Dr. Eggman's base and we barely made it out, but Omega came...he-"

"Yeah, I know..." Shadow interrupted Rouge.

She continued, "Amy's next door right now, but she was knocked out cold. I don't know how she is now, but doctors say she'll be good in no time...Shadow, it was devastating! Their power is immense."

"What did you expect?!" Shadow raised his voice.

"Ahh! Shh...Keep it down, ya muscle-brain! Metal Knuckles got me good in the head."

"There's a Metal Knuckles?" Shadow's face twisted.

"That's what I thought. Anyway, when we got there, we fought off Eggman's reinforcements then found his main lab, but Mephiles and Ansem were there instead. Then Metal Sonic, Metal Knux, and two Metal Shadows came and wanted all of us out of the base, but that lead to a three-group fight. The Metals were scrapped and we were overpowered...I don't think you understand how powerful they were, Shadow...Mephiles is already in his final form."


"I don't know! Maybe Ansem helped him...Even Ansem is stronger than he looks! Blaze and I even felt like he was toying with us and holding back."

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