Resurrection-Chapter 13

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"Storm! Storm! Go get Jet! I think he's waking up."

Everything was blurry. Sonic heard footsteps leave the room.


Sonic opened his eyes finally to realize he was now in a room. The last  memory he had, he was lying on the streets of Westopolis. He was very unsure on where he was, he's never seen this room before. The walls were a walnut-colored wood, the floor and ceiling had studded-steel borders, and there was a green banner with a golden insignia hanging from a bar. Come to think of it, it resembled a pirate's ship...

Ironically however, Sonic recognized the symbol on the banner. It was a bird that almost looked to be in the shape of a genie's lamp.

It was the symbol of the legendary group of alien thieves, whose tactics and actions tempted even their gods to punish the entire race: The Babylon Rogues

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It was the symbol of the legendary group of alien thieves, whose tactics and actions tempted even their gods to punish the entire race: The Babylon Rogues.

Sonic's mind cleared up and had just realized one of the Rogues was with him in that room. She was a purple swallow with a white bandana and a pair of yellow glasses on her head. Captivating periwinkle colored eyes with long eyelashes.

"Wave?! What're you- where am I?!" Sonic bantered.

"Pipe down, Sonic. You're in-...well, better hands." she responded.

Wave The Swallow was the technician of the three only existing Babylon Rogues; along with Jet The Hawk- their leader, and Storm The Albatross-, the strongarm.

Speaking of the latter, he rushed back into the room, thumbing behind him, "Jet wants his office!"

Wave moved out of Sonic's way so he could have his space. Sonic jerked up and slid off the bed, walking slowly to the door. He stopped to see Storm catching his breath.

"Uh, are you OK big guy?" Sonic raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah...just...just go down...this hall. I'll catch up!"

"Storm, Jet's room is only five doors down!" Wave noted.

"Yeah but...coming back here is another five doors, Wave! That's like...ten doors!" the gray albatross huffed.

"Oh fine, I'll take him!" Wave dismissed.

Storm fell back sluggishly, his wide white-feathered stomach exposed. Sonic had noticed a particular trait about Storm now that his arms were spread out- and even Wave for that matter. They both had markings on their arms that were coming from their wrists that looked liked flames. In fact, Wave had the same designs on the hem of her pants, and based off Sonic's memory, Jet had it on his shoes.

Sonic followed Wave out of the room, down the wooden hallway highlighted with teal carpeting.

"Hey, could I ask you something? 'Cause I know Jet's gonna be stubborn about it." Sonic asked Wave.

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