Resurrection-Chapter 2

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"Amy! We need more dip over here!"

It was a wild party, but not enough to destroy the house. The town respected Amy Rose enough to not trash her settlement, especially since they knew the wrath they'd face. People were shouting, singing, dancing, and eating. In this city, the humans accepted Mobians into their society; both species lived peacefully and equally, and even celebrated together- like in this party. Having Mobians around was basically an attraction; they always had a story to tell, and the best part was that no matter how crazy it came off, it was most likely true.

Sally Acorn was passing through the crowds of people, screaming to Amy from across the living room to get more dip.

After a bit, her voice was heard, and Amy shouted back, "There's someone at the door! Tell Espio to get it!"

"ESPIO!" Sally called.

"I'm on it." a voice beside her responded.

She looked to see that it was Espio already placing a glass bowl of guacamole on the table next to the chips and crackers.

Amy finally and successfully traversed through the taller humans, to her door. She unlocked it and pulled it open to find Sonic and Shadow. "Took you two long enough! Come on in!"

"No, Amy, you need to stop this party right now!" Sonic pleaded.

"Now? I promised four hours, it's only been forty minutes!"

"No, you don't understand, having this many people together is dangerous!"

"Sorry, what was that? The music's too loud!"

Shadow became agitated, slid by Sonic and Amy, and into the house. He pulled out his signature pistol: a Heckler & Koch USP Tactical, and with one, two, three clicks of the trigger towards the ceiling, Vector The Crocodile cut the music, everyone crouched and stood silent, as Shadow yelled, "Party's over! Take all your belongings and get the hell out of here!"

Party-goers immediately started pouring out through the door when ordered to. People had respect for Amy, but Shadow's reputation was far more menacing; respect for him was almost mandatory- especially with the feats he's accomplished, his life experiences, and his current occupation in the military.

In minutes, the house was filtered down to just Mobians: Sonic, Shadow, Amy, Sally, Espio, Vector, Charmy Bee, Rouge The Bat, E-123 Omega, Cream The Rabbit, and Blaze The Cat.

"Hey! What gives?!" the young Charmy pouted.

"Shut your piehole kid! We have a bigger problem." Shadow shot.

Everyone gathered in the living room around Sonic and Shadow.

"Where's Silver?" Cream asked.

This was such a misfortune to Sonic and Shadow; Cream had a face and spirit so innocent, it hurt to respond to her. The two couldn't find their words.

"Mephiles returned..." Sonic started.

Gasps filled the room, then Shadow halted them as he finished , "And...he killed Silver..."

"WHAT?!" everyone shrieked.

Everyone looked as if they found out they had a day left to live.

"This is a joke...right?" Blaze asked shakingly.

Not even a grin was visible on their faces, Sonic and Shadow didn't even answer, and refused eye-contact with anyone.

Blaze's eyes watered, but the light-hearted Cream broke into tears first, then Amy, who went over to Cream for comfort, then Blaze, who dropped to her knees and wept on the carpet. She pounded her fists below her and with each thud, her fists began to heat up. It wasn't noticeable until steam began to rise from the carpet. Sally, who wasn't crying, came over to Blaze's side to cool her down. Sally didn't know Silver all too well, but she knew how kind-hearted he was. Everyone shared the same pain and memories, it was like a plague in the room; everyone was deeply affected.

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