Resurrection-Chapter 4

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Theme Song: "This Means War" by Nickelback

The three alliances began their silent staredown. Eyes flicked back and forth amongst each other, expecting anyone's next move.

Metal Sonic turned to the other Metals behind him and gave them a nod. The Metal Shadows' arm-guns clicked and they advanced forward. Metal Knuckles bumped his block-like fists together as the real Knuckles would do before a fight and went to follow, but Metal Sonic put a hand out and halted him. Whatever happened inside of their processors that allowed them to understand one another, told Metal Knuckles to stay put, and so he did.

The Metal Shadows accelerated forward with their rocket-skates, guns pointed for Amy and Rouge. The women saw this and started charging forward as well. Amy with her Piko-Piko Hammer ready, Rouge readying one of her signature kicks, concealing it. When close enough, Amy swung and Rouge struck, but missed; the Metal Shadows flipped right over them. The pink one front-flipped to be able to shoot down at the two while the blue one backflipped, gun aiming ahead at Mephiles and Ansem. Ansem shielded himself with a force-field and Mephiles remained still and took the bullets as they bounced off him without so much as a flinch.

The Metals landed and now were in between Ansem and Mephiles and Sally and Blaze, back-to-back. Mephiles reacted quickly and shot a lance of energy from his hand at the robots. This was the infamous Chaos Lance, the same move used to kill Sonic years prior. The lance cut through the heads of each robot, and towards Sally and Blaze. Sally reshaped her holographic arm-blades together into one big shield to deflect the attack, but the force was so strong, it knocked both of them to tumble back. The Metal Shadows' bodies slumped to the ground, now nothing but shells of vacancy and vengeance. However, Metal Sonic wasn't phased by this; it was all part of the plan: to use the Metal Shadows as decoys to test each of their strengths- although, Ansem has yet to react.


Ansem's feet lifted off the ground, levitating himself, and he simply crossed his arms and grimaced. From his back, a shadow-like figure sprung into existence. It had a symbiotic appearance, with beaming yellow eyes, a blue vein-like design on its head, where four tendrils hung low acting as its hair, bandages over its head and mouth- which seemed to be always have snared its teeth in a fixed position, and bandages on its chest. To add, it had a hollow abdomen that was shaped like a heart- another identifier of the Heartless.

"Guardian, attack!" Ansem commanded his Heartless.

The Guardian's hands glowed with violet energy spheres, then he blasted them at Blaze and Sally. Blaze was first to recover and with a small wall of fire, Blaze dispelled the blasts. She too returned with fireballs to Ansem, but the Guardian detached itself from Ansem and quickly hovered in front of him to take the hits bare-chested. The Guardian didn't even flinch, then returned behind Ansem.

"We have to hit that man while the Guardian is planning its next attack." Blaze whispered to Sally.

"You mean, when that guy is planning. I think he's controlling it." Sally suggested.

"Take on Mephiles, I'll deal with this one!"

The two separated and went for their respective opponents.

"You're just as stubborn as the real Knucklehead!" Rouge growled.

Metal Knuckles threw a left punch, Rouge evaded. Now a right punch, Rouge dodged again. Metal Knuckles then smashed his fists onto the floor, quaking the small area around him to make Rouge lose balance, but Rouge was already off the ground with her wings' help. She did a backflip-kick and the mechanical doppelganger flew upwards and bounced off the ceiling, back down to Rouge. Before he hit the ground, Rouge timed it to where he was in front of her, then roundhouse kicked him down the hall. Metal Knuckles' back hit the wall and landed to kneel on one knee. He recovered quickly and Rouge took this challenge to go after him again.

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