Resurrection-Chapter 14

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Blaze and Rouge were still waiting on the outskirts of Westopolis for Shadow and Chaotix to arrive. While so, they were fighting their own battle against the Heartless from their own location.

"There's too many!" said Blaze, shooting fireballs in various directions.

"Where are they?" Rouge wondered, fighting off a Darkball in midair.

"Hey girrllss!"

Rouge and Blaze and the Heartless directed their attention to the cheery voice, and coming down with her infamous hammer was none other than Amy Rose. The side of the hammer smashed down onto a Blue Rhapsody Heartless (an alternate of the Red Nocturne, but with powers of ice), then she spun around to swing her hammer with increasing speed. Spinning faster and faster, Amy was eventually able to spin a tornado around herself, and with the final swing of her weapon, the tornado swerved away from her and spun into the Heartless, in which they all got caught in its turbulence.

"I didn't know she could do that..." Rouge mumbled.

"Me neither!" Blaze replied.

Some Heartless were spun out of the cyclone, but before they recovered, Amy sped to their direction and whacked them from existence with a concussive force. Blaze channeled fire into the tornado and the remaining Heartless burned into oblivion. The twister eventually diminished along with the Heartless.

"Amy, are you OK?" asked Blaze.

"Mmhm! Two days of doing nothing at all really ticks me off though! I was supposed to clean my living room today!" Amy pouted.

"Did G.U.N. let you go?" Rouge now.

" could say that!"

"You broke out, didn't you?"

"Well, not really, they had just gave the announcement to deploy all units by the time security caught me at the door."

Rouge's large bat ears flicked back, as she heard a familiar sound of a thruster from far- along with various footsteps. She looked back to see Team Chaotix and Shadow had finally made it to them.

"Hello boys!" Amy greeted.

Espio ran up to Amy and they both locked arms.

"Are you OK, Amy? I'm sorry I couldn't visit, I-"

"It's OK Espio, I wouldn't expect you to break into G.U.N. Headquarters." Amy cutting off Espio.

"I should've at least been with you."

"But, you were with me." Shadow reminded.

Espio shot him a glare, but Amy turned his face back to her, "Shadow's right, priorities needed to be reorganized."

"...I suppose you're right."


The group turned to the other guest running towards them.

"Hey Sal'!" the longtime friends of Chaotix welcomed.

"Hey Chaotix!...AMY! You're OK!" she cheered, the two hugging it out.

"Alright, enough of this garbage. We need to go find the Chaos Emeralds." Shadow retorted.

"What's wrong, Shadow? Do you need a hug too?" Rouge jeered, arms wide.

"Don't even think about it."

"NO! The Chaos Emeralds! Grr," Sally stomped her foot, "Sonic and I forgot to grab them after we fought Mephiles! But...he didn't drop them?...Ugh, then that was a clear sign he was alive!"

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