Resurrection-Chapter 6

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Theme Song: "Mephiles' Whisper" by Hideaki Kobayashi, Tomoya Ohtani, Mariko Nanba, Taihei Sato, and Takahito Eguchi

The familiar black hole opened behind Mephiles, who was still in Eggman's base, observing the room.

"Is something wrong?" asked Ansem, walking into reality.

"No. Just admiring the Doctor's hard work. An unfortunate waste however." Mephiles chuckled.

"It's not like he expected such mutiny from us."

"Yet, one would think since he has so many enemies to deal with, he would be prepared for such events."

"He was prepared. Just not enough."

"His problem exactly."

The black hole finally produced Metal Sonic's remains, the clanging of his pieces bringing attention to Mephiles.

"Well, now it's your problem."

Mephiles was dumbfounded, "My problem? You mean, our problem?"

"No. Mephiles, I cannot stay on this planet for long. In my conquest for other worlds, my plan was to have help from those with the darkest of hearts. Time is wasting and I need to go on to other dimensions."

"Then what was in it for me this whole time?!"

"For you, and whoever else I can gather, I grant the power to control the Heartless- a feat that only those well-practiced in the power of darkness can handle. However, you might benefit more."

"Hmm...proceed." Mephiles now intrigued.

"Many have tried to possess the power to control the Heartless. Though, there is a catch. One can have a heart of pure evil, but will only be taunting the Heartless."

Ansem stopped to summon a Shadow with a wave of his hand. The little creature stood in place doing its awkward twitches.

"You see, the Heartless feed on those who have a heart. If you have an evil heart, they won't necessarily 'abide' by your commands- no, they have their own minds and free-will, but if they are ever in a situation where they would have to choose between their supposed 'master,' and someone pure of heart, they will most likely respect their origin of dark and take the purest of heart. Now, in the event where there is an evil heart and one without a heart at all, they will immediately recognize their superior and turn on those who assumed authority."

"I see..." Mephiles crossing his arms.

Ansem gave a nod and continued, "Take this Shadow here. It knows that there are two powerful masters of darkness in this room, and will not obey either of us until we show who is more powerful. That usually means a fight, unless you give up authority to me, or vice versa."

Mephiles gave a slight chuckle, "I embody darkness! What would that make of me to them?"

Ansem laughed as well. "That makes you no different than these Heartless. That makes you know different than me. I too am a Heartless, and even though you are not, the Heartless will undoubtedly recognize who and what you are. Go ahead, approach the Shadow."

Mephiles looked at the little Heartless and walked over to it. He raised a hand to the side of its face, showing some sort of amity. The Shadow's antenna immediately then started feeling Mephiles' hand, sensing him. It tilted its head to the side in confusion, still scrutinizing Mephiles.

"What is it doing? I thought you said it recognizes those of its kind?" Mephiles scoffed.

"It does. It knows you are not from its dimension of origin, so its making sure it can trust you. Do what you will Mephiles, I'm leaving you in charge of this world's end. I must go now. The Heartless will notify me of when you're done, but I will not be of any supervision, this is an equal partnership."

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