Chapter One

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(Sweetie Faye again!)

Faye's P.O.V

I hurriedly locked the door to my little one bed bungalow and started off at a jog down the road.

Welldone Faye, I internally scolded myself, you finally get a job interview and you're running late!

I sighed to myself and clutched my cardigan tighter around me, cursing for having to rush and forgetting to grab a coat as the cold february breeze ripped through me.

I looked at my watch, 12:20pm ok I could still make it, ten minutes until my interview was due to start.

A long eight minutes of jogging and I found myself stood outside 'Match Inkers and Enchanting Candles'.

My mouth was wide as I stared at the scandalous posters in the windows of women and men showing off their tattoos and the dark shop front of black, blues and purples. The whole front of the shop looked completely like a tattoo shop and I was suddenly confused. No where on the candle site where it was advertising for staff did it mention about being merged with a tattoo shop and I suddenly wondered if this 'job' available was even legit.

I'd moved from a little village a good ten miles away a few weeks ago and found myself in the small town of Ashby and to find such a shop made my eyebrows raise. It wasn't the sort of shop you find in a serene little town.

My eyes continued to scan the shop front, if it wasn't for the name of the shop you'd have no idea that a candle shop was inside and even I'm questioning if there actually is one.

Don't be stupid Faye. If there wasn't a job you wouldn't have gotten an email back with an interview slot.

The girl, Brooke her name was, seemed nice via email when she messaged me saying they were desperate for staff and would love to have me in for an interview.

I slowly made my way to the door and pushed it open setting off the ring of a little bell.

I looked around in awe at the tattoo shop reception. There was a black desk to the right topped with a computer system, a phone and some folders, and a dark blue bar stool stood alone behind it. There were a few plants around and an array of artwork filled the deep purple walls and beautiful chandelier style glass lights dangled from the high ceiling.

There were three dark blue sofas against the left wall with a giant black coffee table in front piled with tattoo magazines and coasters for drinks. There was a water fountain in the corner with plastic cups and the window front held more amazing but daring, scandalous tattoo posters to be seen from the inside.

There was a black archway through to the back and a set of black stairs to the far right corner.

"Hello there."

I jumped about two feet in the air as I turned towards the arch. My face flushed red as I caught sight of a well built handsome man leaning against the archway.

He stood near six feet and had dirty blonde hair styled perfectly on top of his head along with piercing green eyes. He was wearing tight black pants and a deep purple shirt with 'Match Tattooist - Noah' written on it with a black jacket and boots.

I could see tattoos creeping up his chest and on his hands but that was the only skin showing so I assumed he had more.

"I-," I stuttered, suddenly feeling nervous.

"We're closed for lunch sweetheart, and you seem to be in the wrong place," He mused, raising an eyebrow at me, looking me up and down.

I looked down at my light skinny jeans, floaty cream top and dark blue cardigan.

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