Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Faye's P.O.V

I woke up the morning of my birthday to an empty bed and frowned, wondering where Elliot was. I could smell his aftershave so I knew he had gotten up.

I got out of bed and slipped on my dressing gown before wondering through to the kitchen expecting to see Elliot but I frowned again when I saw it empty.

"Eli!" I called through the house but no answer.

I moved to the lounge and found a note on the table.

"Had to go to work baby and didn't want to wake you.

See you later beautiful,

Love Elliot."

I bit my lip. Elliot promised he wasn't working on my birthday so he could take me out, though this was a few weeks ago...had he forgotten? There was no mention of it in the note.

Sighing I made my way to my room and got ready for the day.

After a lonely breakfast I made my way through to the lounge and slumped on the sofa. What was I going to do for the day?

A couple hours of TV flew by slowly before my phone rang and I saw it was Brooke.

"Morning Brooke," I smiled, happier now I had someone to talk to.

"Hey girl! Happy birthday sweetie!"

"Thank you," I beamed, happy someone remembered at least.

"What are you up to then? What did Elliot get you?"

I frowned once more, "I haven't seen him yet, he left a note saying he had to go to work."

"What? But I thought he took the day off for you?"

"Me too but apparently not," I sighed.

"Aww babe, I'm coming round and then we can go out together, let's go to the spa and get pampered, my treat!"

I smiled happily through the phone as we said goodbye, my birthday was looking up.

Going to the spa with Brooke was fun. We both had massages and facials and then got our nails done.

She took my mind off of Elliot completely until we sat down for smoothies afterwards at the cafe opposite.

"What's up babe, you look miserable?" Brooke raised an eyebrow.

I sighed, slumping down in my seat, "I just wish Elliot was here, he promised me he was going to take me somewhere special on my birthday and I was so excited when we went to sleep last night but I woke up this morning and he was gone and he hasn't even messaged, I think he forgot Brooke."

Brooke got up and gave me a hug, "Honey, I'm sorry, it's unlike Elliot to forgot something like that, I don't know what's going on, maybe there was an emergency at the shop and because of that it slipped his mind, it's a stupid excuse...I don't know."

I shrugged in response.

"Forget about it Faye honey, tonight me and you are going out to celebrate your birthday. No boys, just us. We'll go out early and have a meal beforehand and then you can get drunk and just forget the entire thing, how's that sound?"

I smiled faintly, getting drunk and forgetting today sounded good, "I'm in."

She grinned, "Excellent, let's go to my place and get ready, I got you a new outfit as your present and you are definitely wearing it tonight."

I laughed as she downed the rest of her smoothie and pulled me all the way to her car.

"So when are you moving in with Noah?" I asked, they had been together nearly as long as Elliot and I and seemed strong as ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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