Chapter Twenty-Six

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Elliot's P.O.V

"So Faye wants a tattoo?"

I looked up at Asher from where I was sketching, "Yeah, she seems pretty keen on the idea now. I've been sketching out a few designs for her to look at over the next few days...I can't wait to have my ink on her skin."

I was honoured to be able to do it for her, to be able to look at it everyday and know that I did it will make my inner cave man bang on his chest. Another way that makes her mine.

Asher chuckled and I knew he realised where my thoughts had gone.

I grinned as I looked up.

"How do you think she'll take it?"

I shrugged, "It depends where she decides to have it but I think she'll be ok, she seems pretty determined."

I continued working on some designs for the rest of my free time before putting them aside to show Faye later on.

Her and Brooke were in the process of sorting out the issue with that woman who trashed the shop and burned my beautiful girl's arm so I would be home before her tonight, giving me the opportunity to cook a nice meal for her.


Faye's P.O.V

"Elliot, I'm home!" I called through, absolutely shattered after my long day at work.

I kicked off my shoes and dropped my bag onto the table by the door as I went in search of my man.

I found him in the kitchen serving food onto plates.

I smiled as I breathed in the smell of spaghetti bolognese.

"Smells delicious Eli," I said as I sat myself at the bar.

"Thank you beautiful," He set a plate down in front of me and one for himself and gave me a quick kiss before sitting down beside me.

We ate dinner before moving into the lounge for cuddle time, my favourite thing to do when we get home from work.

Elliot flicked on the TV before guiding me in-between his legs and pulling a blanket over us.

"How did it go baby girl?" He asked as he put The Big Bang Theory on for me to watch.

"It was ok, with the CCTV footage her side of the story was put to rest instantly, can you believe she actually tried to lie about the situation when it happened in our store? I don't know what she was thinking but she was pretty stupid. Anyway, Brooke got compensation for the damage and disruption and the lady is now banned from selling that particular brand of candles and I heard rumours a couple of other people are stopping using her to sell their products as well, so if anything she's done herself more harm than good."

Elliot hummed from behind me, "Good," He lifted my arm up and ran his fingers over the fading burn mark before planting several kisses and I smiled happily as I cuddled further into his chest.

He changed the TV channel to one of his sport shows seeming to know I was minutes away from sleep and held me tightly, and as the sporting commentators voice floated through the room I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Elliot's P.O.V

I grinned as Faye came shuffling nervously into the tattoo shop an afternoon a couple weeks later.

Today was the day she was getting her first tattoo.

We had planned it only days beforehand when I noticed I had an afternoon free in the shop so we decided she would work the morning upstairs and then come down and have her ink done.

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