Chapter Thirteen

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(AN: well I didn't get as much feedback as I would have liked but still I'm going with the majority vote which indeed wanted me to write details of their sexual antics so from here on out sexual content may be present in chapters and no I will not warn you when, this now is your warning - thank you)

Cute photo above, imagine it's Elliot and Faye, but obviously they're in their underwear... ;)

Faye's P.O.V

Elliot's hand slid into my panties and I threw my head back and released a loud gasp as his fingers touched me, exposing my neck to him and he took full advantage latching his lips onto the spot he knew had me moaning.

I retaliated by slipping my hands down from his broad shoulders, down his muscled back to his firm, round butt. His ass was rock hard and he groaned against my neck as I slipped my hands down his boxers and squeezed hard, digging my nails in.

He nipped at my neck as he circled my clit with his fingers and then pulled back to look into my eyes.

My hands clenched on his ass as he rubbed me harder with one hand, pressing his body hard against me and tilting my chin up to look at him with his other hand, keeping my gaze on his, which made it so much more intense.

I let out quiet moans repeatedly and my body started to shake as I got closer and closer and I dug my fingers harder into his butt making him groan.

"Elliot!" I moaned louder and he released my chin to grab my arms one at a time and pin them above my head with a vice like grip and his other hand tickled my clit faster and harder and when he pressed down firmly with his fingers I came instantly.

"Oh...oh god, OH!!" I flung my head back and moaned out my orgasm.

He pleasured me until my orgasm subsided and released my arms slowly, pulling his hand out from my panties.

I slumped back against the bed, letting my arms fall around his neck as he lifted his fingers to his mouth and while giving me a dirty smile he sucked off all of my juices making me blush bright red.

"Mmm," He moaned, closing his eyes and my face flushed darker if it could. It was embarrassing but hot at the same time.

He kissed up my neck until he found my lips again and surprisingly I didn't find it completely gross tasting myself on his tongue.

"Have a shower with me baby?" Elliot asked quietly.

I hesitated, thinking about it before I scolded myself, what was there to think about? This was my sweet loving Elliot, of course I could shower with him.

"Ok," I mumbled quietly but he heard me and I was rewarded with a deep searing kiss.

"You sure Faye?"

I nodded before I could change my mind.

"Good girl," He cooed, sitting up and taking my hand, pulling me up with him and guiding me to my bathroom.

He switched on the shower while I got some towels ready for when we came out.

When I turned back around my eyes widened as I took in a naked Elliot in the shower already, adjusting the settings of the sprays.

I heard a chuckle and blushed profusely as I noticed he had caught me staring but in my defence I couldn't help it.

He was huge.

By far the biggest out of the few I had seen, but he was bigger by quite a lot.

I gulped, I was pretty sure it was going to sting a bit when we had sex for the first time.

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