Chapter Twenty-Four

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Faye's P.O.V

"The party slash dinner thing is in a couple of weeks time, it's on a Saturday."

"Ok baby, what time?" Elliot asked, looking up from the oven.

"It starts at seven. I'm hoping we won't have to stay long. We can just show our face and then leave. We have to dress up a bit though, nothing too fancy but you're probably gonna have to wear some slacks Eli if that's ok."

He smirked, "Sure thing Faye, if it means I get to see you in a gorgeous dress then I can survive wearing some slacks and a nice shirt," He finished off with a wink.

I blushed before smiling, "I'm going to have to drag Brooke shopping with me to find something. I don't normally wear dinner worthy dresses and outfits."

"Me either, I'm sure we can find something though," He assured me, as I came to stand beside him to help finish cooking breakfast.


The following day at work was busy. We had been reasonably quiet lately so I didn't know what was with the sudden intake of customers but we weren't complaining.

A busy shop meant more sales and hopefully more customers wanting to repeat their visit. I was happy for Brooke more than anything that she was doing so well as I knew how worried she was about not getting more noticed by the public.

Lunch time we managed to spare half an hour with the guys but the rest was left with making sure the store was perfect in its appearance.

It was towards the end of the day when everything hit the roof. I was in the stock room when I heard Brooke going at it with a customer, or more like the customer going at Brooke.

I sighed, that was just what today needed. I put the box I was sifting through back before heading through the door to see if I could be of any help.

Elliot's P.O.V

"Thank you, goodbye."

I bid my last customer for the day goodbye after accepting payment and handing him the after care leaflet. He was a regular and knew the aftercare procedure well but it was policy to give him the information.

We were still open for a few hours as of yet so it was my turn to manage the desk along with Rory who had also finished. We usually spent our free time coming up with fresh ideas for the shop and also sketching out designs. Over the past few weeks we had been discussing changing the photos in our shop windows but we hadn't finalised any plans yet on what to do.

Me and Rory were comparing our lion's head sketches when we heard a loud crash from upstairs.

"What the fuck?" Rory raised an eyebrow and I shrugged in response.

Who knows what they were up to up there.

I turned to look at Rory as I heard raised voices coming from upstairs and then another crash followed by a painful female scream filled the shop.

I shot up and headed straight for the stairs, Rory scrambling straight after me.

I could recognise that scream anywhere.

"Shit, Elliot was that Faye?"

"Uh huh," I grunted as I sprinted up the stairs.

We were met with Brooke screaming at a female customer but I let Rory deal with that as I rushed to Faye who was cradling her arm and my eyes widened as I took note of the tipped over candles and spilled hot wax everywhere.


"Ow ow ow ow," She was crying and I was livid as I quickly guided her in to the break room and straight over to the tap where I turned it on and pushed her against the counter, encouraging her to place her forearm under the water.

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