Chapter Twelve

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AN: please read the note and answer the question at the end :)

Elliot's P.O.V

That night we didn't get back to Faye's home until gone one.

The evening had been perfect. Faye looked completely stunning and was completely surprised by where I had taken her.

I was thankful she never read the local papers or really took an interest into the local goings on otherwise she may have been able to guess where I was taking her.

She absolutely loved it, and it made me happy that she got slightly emotional as it showed my actions meant something to her. It also showed she had never been treated this way before...which although was sad because she completely deserved to be, it meant that I could spoil her rotten and introduce her to the real world of relationships.

My cutie of a girlfriend had fallen asleep in the truck about half way home and she looked so fucking sweet curled up in the passenger seat of my truck, the heater that was blasting to keep her warm moved her curls gently and every now and again she would mumble incoherent things in her sleep.

I couldn't not snap a photo once I parked outside her house and I set it as my lock screen, the home screen photo being the same as hers...Faye in my arms at the beach. Another fantastic day that was had with my girl.

She was so beautiful and I was starting to see that she believed she was too, at least a little bit. She was so much more confident than the quiet girl I met only a few months ago for the first time in the tattoo shop, that tried to avoid me after she freaked out about kissing me on the cheek.

I was proud of her, and I'd like to think most of the changes were made on her own back, with little help from me and our friends.

Staring down at her I didn't have the heart to wake up my beauty so I carefully picked her up and carried her inside her house.

We were planning on heading to my place but seeing as she was asleep it would be easier to stay here at hers.

I locked up her door before heading through to her room. It seemed like déjà vu of the night we went out to the club when I began wiping off her makeup, taking off her jewellery and her shoes.

It made me smile again, she had become so much more comfortable around me since then.

I stripped her out of her pretty dress, groaning as I noticed the matching black lacy underwear she wore underneath.


If only she was awake right now.

I turned away reluctantly, swallowing heavily, stripping myself down to boxers before turning off the lights.

It was warm inside her house, no need to bother with night clothes and to be honest I didn't want to.

My girl was gorgeous and I wasn't going to waste an opportunity to take in her body.

I was still a horny male after all.

We were at the stage now where I didn't think she would mind at all I wasn't going to be cautious.

I slipped in beside her, pulling the covers over both of us and smiled to myself when she absentmindedly turned and cuddled into me, a sigh of content leaving her sweet lips.

I found sleep easily, slightly tired myself after a late night along with a long drive.


When I awoke many hours later after a well needed sleep I was slightly restricted by a weight covering my body.

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