Chapter Six

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(Handsome Asher!)

Faye's P.O.V

I sat straddled on his lap on one of his sofas trailing the tattoos that covered his left shoulder with my fingertips. I hummed almost silently as I did so, concentrating on the intricate designs and thinking how beautiful they looked in a weird way.

His hands were resting low on my hips, his fingers had seeped their way through the pieces in my top that showed off my hips and he was skilfully massaging the skin there.

We arrived at his house about twenty minutes ago and were planning on watching a movie together. We made it to the couch but haven't yet started a movie, he had pulled me into his lap and we were both lost in touching each other, content to just do this in almost silence.

"I take it you like my tattoos," He murmured, flickering his eyes to mine.

"Yes, they're fascinating, I could stare at them all day..." I trailed off, meeting his gaze.

"I'll have to show you the rest of them soon."

"I know you have some on your chest and stomach...I saw them, do you have anymore?" I cocked my head to the side, resting my hands back in my lap.

"I have a couple on my upper right thigh, I'm thinking of starting a lower sleeve on my right arm but I haven't thought much about that when are you going to let me ink you beautiful?" His lips twitched up as he asked the question and I bit down on my own.

"Erm...I don't know, I want a tattoo, just something little but meaningful but I'm quite scared...I will probably cry," I winced at the thought of it. I was most definitely a cry baby.

He chuckled, "I'm not going to lie, it fucking hurts but if you let me I will try to be as gentle as possible for you sweetheart," He spoke softly, "if you ever get the courage let me know...besides you can always get Brooke or one of the guys to hold your hand so you can break it," He mused and I giggled.

"I think I will probably just have to go for it as I don't think I'll ever be confident enough to do it otherwise...but not yet..." I hurriedly trailed off smiling as he chuckled.

"You're so bloody cute," He gripped the back of my head and pecked my lips gently.

"I was going to say same but I wouldn't use cute to describe you, more like...hmm...more like handsome or sexy," I grinned, pecking his lips back.

He smirked, "So you think I'm sexy?"

I nodded, "Yeah, of course...who wouldn't!"

He laughed before gripping my hips again and pulling me closer to his chest.

"Well, thanks for the compliment Faye, I think you're fucking beautiful and right now I plan to claim my prize from bowling," He breathed into my ear and I shivered, blushing as I remembered what his prize was.

His lips crashed onto mine before I could even think about anything and I gasped as he held me to him tightly.

Fuck, I cursed in my mind...he sure knew how to kiss. Then I cursed myself again. I didn't swear, him and the rest of the guys were already rubbing off on me.

It took a little while for me to come to my senses, but when I did I kissed him back as much as I could, our lips moving and entwining with each others, mine gentle and soft...his slightly rougher but it was a nice roughness and I moaned as I gripped onto his shirt.

When his tongue flicked against my lips and forced it's way in I had no choice but to let him. Elliot was in total control and I let him have it, opening my mouth and returning the favour, our tongues danced together and we kissed passionately.

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