Chapter Nine

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Beautiful cover made for me by: -Snowy-

She makes amazing covers so go check her out :)

Faye's P.O.V

I loved the beach.

I always have done but I haven't been there in so was no fun to go on your own, sitting there watching the waves by yourself was peaceful but there was only so much thinking to myself I could do...and then the loneliness would set in, and the memories of my time on the beach with previous friends back in high school.

Happy memories.

I was determined to make more happy memories at the beach to override my previous ones. They were happy but they contained people I no longer wished to associate with.

They were tainted now.

Today would be a good start at making more happy memories with new people, new friends, a new boyfriend.

Elliot had woken me up around eight that next morning. He woke me up with kisses on my neck and a squeeze on my waist and I smiled happily at the feeling of waking up in someone's arms. A feeling I was starting to enjoy again.

"Shall I ring up the guys beautiful? I was thinking we could make it a group outing."

I nodded against his chest, "That sounds fantastic, do you mind if I have a quick shower while you do that, I won't be long and then you can have one if you like."

Elliot sat up with me in his arms, "Alright baby, you go get in the shower," He tapped my behind as I got up and I hurriedly got into the shower and stripped of my night clothes, eager to get to the beach this morning.

I washed my body quickly, skipping my hair as I had washed it the other day and it would take far too long to dry. I didn't want to waste time.

I came out only ten minutes later in my towel and went straight to the closet.

It would be warm but not excessively so I didn't want to go over the top.

I felt arms slide around my waist and I jumped, almost letting my towel slip.

"Eli, I thought you were having a shower," I said, turning to look up at him as he smiled down at me, clearly enjoying that he had scared me.

"I was going to but then you came out in this and I had to touch you," He groaned and I laughed.

"Go shower," He sighed but kissed my lips briefly before heading into my bathroom.

"Everyone's coming by the way," He called through seconds after I heard the water start.

I called back an ok. He seemed to love to shower with the door wide open.

He was such a guy. No cares in the world for such privacy.

I pulled up the weather app on my phone and was pleased to see it shouldn't be windy or rainy at all so with that in mind I slipped on a swimsuit and pulled on some shorts and a pretty top that I wouldn't mind getting wet if I went into the sea. I packed a couple of towels and some lotion for my skin, it wouldn't be hot enough for actual suntan lotion yet but I couldn't let my skin dry out as I would come up all itchy.

I was making some coffee when Elliot came through, "We're going to have to stop off to get some clothes for me to change into, we're meeting the others there for ten."

"Ok," I slid him his coffee and he smiled in thanks.


We made it to the beach just before ten, after stopping off for Eli to get himself some beach suitable clothes. It didn't take too long to get there and from first look it looked pretty quiet apart from some young adults who had the same idea as us and were relaxing by the shore and the lone ice cream parlour hidden between the trees.

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